Watch Out

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Frowning, I stared at my laptop as I scrolled through some of the messages left.

"Who the hell is this Bri girl??"

"Urgh! I bet she's ugly..."

"Suga oppa! Love me! Not that skank!"

I shook my head, astonished by the responses. I did warn him. The last one, however, hit me hard.

"If you're reading this Bri? Go kill yourself."

I suddenly heard a sharp gasp coming from behind me making me quickly whip my head around to see who it was. There stood Brianna, looking over my shoulder with tears in her eyes. Her eyes continued to scroll down the screen so I immediately slammed my screen shut.


Without answering she ran out of the room so I quickly followed her.

"Bri!" I called. "Where are you going?"

Not responding, she opened the door and left the house. Still, I followed her every move. The air was brisk and chilly and the dark clouds in the sky made it apparent that it was about to rain. Before she could lave  grabbed hold of her arm causing her to spin around. Her cheeks were stained with tears, her eyes reddening. I felt my heart break at how sad she looked.

"They hate me," I whimpered staring at me. I only pulled her into my embrace for a hug. She began to cry a little more in my arms but I just let it happen, stroking her hair in the process. "They want me to die..."

"That was just one person," I protested as I pulled away to look at her.

"No. That was only one person we saw. I knew it was too good to be true."

Bri turned around to walk but I held onto her wrist again. That was cut off when she took her hands and shoved my chest making me stumble back.

"If you're running off then I'm running with you."

By now it was raining, like I had predicted. A part of me wanted to head off inside but I knew that I had to stay with her. It was as if Bri didn't notice the sudden change in weather. She only stood there in front of me getting drenched in water.

"I just want to be on my own-"

"And what if I don't let you?" I cut off. "Because you're not going anywhere without me."

"Why are you acting so protective over me Jungkook? You're not some kind of knight looking out for his damsel in distress."

Her voice started to rise but I stayed neutral.

"Look, I know you're upset-"

"Upset?? Kookie, upset doesn't even begin to cut it."

I watched as she ran her fingers through her hair in stress and aggravation.

I took a few steps towards her. She mirrored m actions but the oppiste way instead taking a few steps back.


"You don't have to comfort me," she said.

"I know I don't have to but I want to."

Her once naturally curly hair was now slick straight. I felt that my hair was stuck to my face.

"Why though? Can't you just learn to leave me be? I'm a grown girl. I can look after myself."

"Like I said. I want to. No reason."

She only scoffed, shaking her head. "Of course there has to be a reason. What am I? Stupid?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Why did she have to be so difficult?

"You're not stupid... Actually, you're too clever sometimes."

"Just leave me alone Kookie." She was about to leave but once again I stopped her from doing so. "Jungkook!"

"We'll go through this together!" I exclaimed with a raised voice. "Okay? I can help you. I can take this pain you're feeling away."

I stepped towards her, holding onto her hands.

"You can't do anything for me!" she yelled, new tears escaping her eyes. "It's just like school again! The bullying! The hate! The stress! I can't take this again!"

"I can help you! We'll get through this together-"

"You're not my boyfriend!"

This silenced me. All I could do was watch the raindrops topple down her skin.

More tears left her eyes as her yells turned to whispers. "You're not my boyfriend..."

I didn't notice until now that I was crying too. Just seeing her so upset always got to me and now here I was standing outside in the pouring rain probably looking like a crying mess. Without another thought, I pulled her in for a comforting hug.

"Please don't cry," I whispered softly. "I hate seeing you cry." I kissed the top of her head, pulling her more to me. By now she was silent but I didn't stop. "Please Bri. For me... I love you too much to see those tears."


I planted my lips on her cheek and I felt her tense in my grip.

"I love you," I mumbled, kissing her cheek again. "So, so much." I finally found my way to her lips and kissed them. For a split second it felt as if she kissed back but-

"No!" she yelled, pushing me away from her. "Not again Jungkook. How many times!"

"I- I'm sorry."

"No you're not!"

With that, she turned away and marched to cross the road. I ran my hands through my hair as I released a groan. What's wrong with me?! Why do I keep kissing her?!

I was taken away from my thoughts when I saw a car speed across the corner. Bri was strolling slowly across the road with her head hung low.

"Bri! I yelled, running over towards her. But she ignored me. The car was getting closer and closer."




It was too late.

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