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I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything but her. Finally making it to her side I fell to my knees. I shakily took my hands and wiped her damp her away from her forehead, blood on my fingers.

"No," I chocked, tears falling from my eyes and dropping onto her face. "No. No wake up. Wake up!"

Bri had blood covering her face on one side and had cuts and bruises all along her cheeks.  Her shirt was torn through the middle and it looked like their was a deep wound implanted in her skin.

Snapping back into reality, I snatched my phone out from my pocket and rang an ambulance. Minutes later, Bri started stirring.

"Ow!" she whined.

"Don't move," I told her soothingly.

Tears fell from her eyes as she stared up at me. She looked kind of blank?

"It hurts," she cried.

"Shhh... Just-just stay calm. Okay?"

I took her hand and kissed her knuckles. She was still staring up at me.

"Kookie... Will I die?"

My eyes widened, more tears falling.

"No. I promise you. You will live."

I soon heard a loud siren and flashing lights appeared.

"I feel sleepy..."

"No Bri."

As her eyes began to shut I got down from my knees and laid down on the ground beside her with my knees curled up to my chest, hugging her side.

"Don't go to sleep," I whimpered. "Not yet."


"Where is she??" Jimin cried as he ran through the hospital doors. I stood up. "Jungkook. You look awful."

"Bri looks worse," I said in a monotone voice. "She's through there but we can't go in yet."

Jimin kicked the side of a wall as he pulled at his hair.

"What happened?" he asked me.

"A speeding car came over and hit her," I replied, memories settling in my head. "She... she said she wanted to go to sleep... She hasn't woken up since..."

Again, Jimin kicked the wall.


Suga's voice boomed through the corridor and after hearing some shuffling he stormed through the door and up to me.

"Tell me everything," he snapped.

"She got hit by a speeding car. She's unconscious now." I paused, trying to contain myself. "There was blood... So much blood..."


Suga fell onto one of the waiting room chair, covering his face with his hands.


A couple hours had passed when the doctor finally came out of the room Bri was in. We all instinctively stood up as we awaited some news.

"Brianna's conscious now but she received the worst impact in her head. The force triggered something in her brain so she may seem a little dazed. Don't worry though since this is normal for her circumstances," he explained.

"Can we see her?" Suga asked hopefully.

"Yes. But be careful. She's in a fragile state. She may seem forgetful. She only remembers certain things but don't know the extremity of her condition yet. We tried asking her a few basic questions like today's date and she didn't know."

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