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Tears flooding my vision, I stomped through the venue making it to the large hall. It was decorated beautifully in luminous blue fairy lights which hung around the ceilings creating a bliss mood.

"Bri!" a voice called along with the sound of nearing footsteps.

I didn't answer but just continued walking through the hall.

"Bri," he called again. The steps got louder signalling that he was close to me. I suddenly felt his hand take hold of my upper arm, stopping me in my trail.

"I don't want to speak Jungkook," I muttered, wiping my eyes. My makeup was definitely running. It was kind of embarrassing for him to see me looking so messy to be honest. "I'm fine. Ju-just leave me be."

Jungkook stared down at me with a creased forehead. His eyes scanned mine as if to be looking for answers.

"You're not fine Bri," he finally said.

I sighed, shaking my head. "You embarrassed me Jungkook. Y-you humiliated me in front of all those people!"

He frowned. "I didn't mean to-"

"But you did!" I cried. "Yoongi told you, right? Aish, why did I find trust in him just for him to run his mouth."

"If it wasn't for me then you'd be married to a douchebag right now trapped for the rest of your life to live with him in misery!"

I stayed silent. I knew he was right.

"You can't really feel the same way about him can you? You can't tell me you love him."

I shrugged my shoulders, wiping away some more tears. "I thought I did but I was wrong..." I trailed off softly. "I forgot who he was before Yoongi jogged my memory."

"Exactly... So- so don't take your anger out on me. Please."

"How was Hyun-gi when I left?" I asked.

"I don't know. I left before I could see."

Jimin's P.O.V.

I watched as an angry Hyun-gi paced the alter fuming.

"GAH!" he yelled loudly before punching the wall near him. "NO ONE LEAVES ME! NO ONE GETS TO HUMILIATE ME!"

I smirked as I watched his break down, him punching things and whacking the neatly placed flowers across the room.

"He got what he deserved," I smirked over to the other boys. "I hope we never see this jerk again."

We all began leaving the area when Hyun-gi's loud booming voice sent us to a halt.

"This is all your fault!" he growled, pointing a finger at Yoongi.

"And so what if it is. You deserve this," Suga replied as he walked closer towards the bully.

Hyun-gi released a menacing laugh. "You think you've won, don't you? I haven't even started." He then shoved Suga back harshly causing my blood to boil. How could he touch my hyung like that? "You not gonna fight back?" Hyun-gi continued taunting before shoving him once more.

"Ya! Leave him alone!" I snapped, walking over to them both and pushing Hyun-gi away.

"Jimin. Don't," Suga said but I only ignored him and stared Hyun-gi down as he stared back at me.

Bri's P.O.V.

I stood in the middle of the hall with Jungkook opposite me as I peered up at the fairy light covered ceiling.

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