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Present Day

Newt sat there for a moment, shocked. He only had one thought running through his head, and after a minute of nothing else clogging his mind, he spoke.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Abernathy spoke this time instead of Tina. "Mister Scamander, we found you being attacked in an alley by something. Miss Goldstein said you were coming to visit and she was worried when you didn't show on time, and she got there just in time to help you out. You've been out for a while, and we have been keeping an eye on you to see if you were showing any signs of Apathy Syndrome."

The interrogator sighed. "You're showing no signs of that, but something is wrong with you. You kept saying some woman's name while you were out, and no one here recognizes it."

"______. Her name is ______, and someone here does recognize it," Newt said, turning to Tina. "Tina, please. Tell them about ______, I don't care if you guys don't agree with what she is. I just need to know where she is, she could be in danger. This situation has happened before, and it didn't end well." Newt looked into Tina's eyes, but he was far from focused on her. His thoughts went back.

Back to that night at the abandoned castle.

The state he found ______ in.

How she almost died trying to save him.

Tina looked back at him, and it broke her heart to see him like this. It wasn't what she wanted, it destroyed her to see Newt so desperate. She shook her head and looked away, not being able to see him in this sad state. "I'm sorry Newt," she began. "I don't know who or what you're talking about. I've never heard that name, and I don't know why I wouldn't 'agree' with her unless she was the cause of all this."

Newt shook his head, trying to get Tina to look at him again. "Tina, I know you know her. You guys didn't just have a chance encounter once or twice, you came to Britain when she was sick. You helped take care of her, you two were close to becoming friends. I know you know ______."

"I've never been to Britain, I don't remember visiting you," Tina began, and she looked back at Newt, looking into his eyes. "The last time I saw you, we were saying goodbye on the docks and you were getting on your boat."

"I never got on that boat. It was the wrong one, I had to wait a week for the next one. We spoke during that week, I stayed with ______. I'm not making this up, you know that Tina! Just please, remember! Why can't you remember?"

"I can't remember something that never happened Newt."

The interrogator finally decided to get a word in. "Look Mister Scamander," he began. "You're not showing any signs of Apathy Syndrome, but you're obviously sick. We're willing to let you stay for a while, but if you don't start getting better and start cooperating..." he trailed off, biting his lip.

"Then what?" Newt asked, fearing he already knew the answer.

"We'll be sending you to St. Mungo's, maybe indefinitely. We don't know what's wrong with you, or why you keep mentioning this ______ person."

Newt's eye went wide. "I'm not imagining her. Other people have met her, I know they have! Tina's sister, Queenie, she's met her. And so has..." Newt hesitated. Although he didn't want to explain why, he was going to mention the other person he had in mind. "And so has Albus Dumbledore. He can vouch for her, I know he can. She's not made up, she's real. I promise."

Abernathy sighed. "I guess it'll be my job to check those sources, right?" he looked at the interrogator.

"Fine. Check with his sources, they're not going to turn up, but I guess he has a right."

"You'll see. I promise. She's very real," Newt began. "And every second I'm stuck in here, she's out there, possibly in danger. Whoever took my case could've taken her too."

"And why would they do that?"

"It wouldn't be the first time."

The interrogator shook his head. "Miss Goldstein, take Mister Scamander back to the holding cell. I'll continue this when he's feeling better. Abernathy, keep me updated on those responses."

Tina took Newt's arm gently. He was already going through a rough time, he didn't need Tina to act terrible towards him. She walked him back to the holding cell, neither of them saying a word. When he went in and she closed the door, Newt finally spoke. "Tina, what is going on?" he asked softly. "Why are you pretending not to know ______? Is she in some kind of danger? I can't remember a thing since I arrived here. I just need to know what's going on."

Tina took a breath. "What's going on, Newt, is you arrived here and got attacked. We have a situation going on here, it's not good. You're sick, Newt, and I'm afraid for you."

"I'm not crazy, Tina."

"Newt, I've never met a single person named ______ in my life. Not even once. I never visited you, and I don't know who you're talking about. But I hope she stops haunting you soon, because she's making you ill. Whoever she is, she's not doing you any favors."

"You have no right to talk about her like that, you hear? No right."

Tina sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Newt, she never existed." She looked up from her hands and straightened herself out. "I've got to get home, it's late. I hope you get better. I know you will, you're strong. Goodnight, Mister Scamander."

Without saying another word, she turned around and started walking down the hall, leaving Newt alone in the holding cell. He turned around, sitting on the bed and curling up, trying to think.

______ was real, he knew that. She had to be real.

He needed her to be real.

Why don't they remember her? He thought, looking up at the ceiling. Why am I the only one?

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