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"I'm sorry sir, but we're really not accepting any guests right now," Abernathy told the British wizard. Someone had come to visit Scamander – something he didn't expect. He was convinced that the young wizard didn't have any friends or relatives close to him, yet barely a day after he's brought in here, someone is asking to see him. He found the entire situation a bit too uneasy to take lightly.

"Oh, I'll only be a minute," Dumbledore assured him. This was nothing to him, he was confident in his abilities to get Newt out of here. The only hassle was finding where he was.

Abernathy raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. He definitely was getting a bad vibe from him. Something about the situation just didn't make sense, but he was in no place to start making accusations. "How do you know Mister Scamander?" he asked. Maybe, just maybe, he could get some useful information out of this man.

"He's a former student of mine, and he's recently been published. I was very proud of him; I always knew he had potential. Anyways, when his name popped into the system over there, I was a little worried what happened to him. I was his emergency contact, he's not very close to his family. Are you sure I cannot see him?"

Abernathy paused. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Albus Dumbledore," he smiled patiently.

A bell went off in Abernathy's head. He recognized the name – Newt had named him earlier when he was talking about the mysterious ______. He had told them that Albus Dumbledore could vouch for her. Taking a stab in the dark, Abernathy asked, "Have you ever met a ______, or met a woman named ______ who was around Mister Scamander? He was out cold when we brought him here, and he's suffering from a little amnesia, along with a vision of a woman named ______. Does the name ring a bell?"

"I can't say that it does," Dumbledore told him. "The state he's in, I'm sure he'll remember everything promptly. Do you know what it was that attacked him?"

"Sorry, that's classified," Abernathy shut Dumbledore down. MACUSA was trying everything it could to keep the stories of Apathy Syndrome from leaking out and terrifying the rest of the wizarding community – they didn't need the fear of Dementors added to that. They still had no idea why they were here, and how they got there.no way was he going to tell anything to some old teacher.

"I understand," Dumbledore nodded. "So – can I see him?"

Abernathy sighed. "I suppose it can't do any harm. Maybe you can talk some sense into him, get him to talk about anything other than ______. He won't leave that alone – he's a desperate man."

"I'll try my best," Dumbledore assured him as they started walking along the halls and going to the cells where they had Newt locked up. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he didn't want to turn him away. After al, he came all this way, and considerably fast. He must have paid good money to check up on Newt – they seemed close.

Newt looked up to the slightest sound that came down the hall. He kept hoping that someone would come through to let him out. He thought about trying to go to sleep, but there were too many thoughts keeping him awake. The more he focused on trying to remember, the more impossible the task began to feel. He had nothing to do and no one to turn to – he was helpless. That's why the sight of anyone would cheer him up right now – he needed someone to assure him that he wasn't losing it.

And although seeing anyone would cheer him up, he just happened to have enough luck that the person walking down the hall for was Albus Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore!" Newt stood up right away, looking through the bars of his small cell and into Dumbledore's eyes. "I've never been happier to see you."

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