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______ felt like she was free-falling, and when she finally landed where the port-key took her, she felt like she was about to throw up. She was swaying on her feet, about to fall over, when a pair of hands grabbed her roughly and pushed her onto a chair. When she tried standing up again, someone pushed her down. When she finally found her focus, she noticed that "someone" was Maverick. Before she could even think of anything to say, he pointed his wand and hit her with a stunning spell, knocking her out.

When she awoke the second time, she found herself tied to the chair firmly. Each of her feet where tied to the chair's legs, her arms bound to the chair's arms, a thick rope tied around her waist and secured around the chair's headboard to make sure she stayed still. Everything was double knotted, and she felt like she was squeezed so close to the chair, she was a part of the furniture. She looked around until she saw Maverick.

Without her even saying anything, he looked over at her, knowing she was finally awake. "You did very well, ______," Maverick told her in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Like I want approval from you," ______ struggled against the restraints. "I did what you wanted, why do you still need me?"

Maverick shook his head. "Because I realized something: even if Newt gives in, his female detective friends won't stop looking for you or me. So, you're bait."

______ laughed. "You're joking yourself if you think Tina and Queenie care more about finding me than they do taking care of the dementor problem."

Maverick laughed, "You really think so little of yourself? They've been looking for you this entire time, I've even heard that the brown-haired girl was looking for you even before Newt woke up. It helps to have connections in... hidden places."

"It doesn't even matter, anyways! How am I supposed to be bait if they don't even know where I am?" ______ laughed. "You're an absolute idiot!"

Maverick rushed up to her, wand at the ready, and pressed the tip against her neck firmly, as if he was about to stab through it. "You should really watch what you say, you've been locked up in that room for so long, you have no idea what the full story is. I know a whole lot more about their whereabouts than you think. They'll probably find me in a few days here, and in those days, you and I will have a lot of free time together."

______ stayed silent and fought every urge she had to not just spit in his face. The urge to do so was overwhelming.

Maverick smiled and moved away from her. "Maybe if you're nice enough in these next few days, I won't string you against a rack when all of this is done."

"Why are you doing all of this?" ______ shouted at him. "It just doesn't make sense to me. What could you be possibly getting out of this? What reason is there for all the pain and suffering you're causing?"

Maverick shrugged. "Does there have to be a reason? Would a reason even make you feel better, would you even understand if I gave you one? Here's a reason: because I can, because it's fun, because the world is full of shit and I intend to clean it up," Maverick turned to her. "You Muggles are so annoying. What you cannot understand, you fear. What you fear, you attack. Thus goes the cycle. You just don't give up, you burn witches and wizards that haven't done any harm to you, you drown wizards for the sake of 'safety,' and you don't feel the least bit guilty about it. Mudbloods and Half-Bloods don't know what it is to be a wizard or a witch."

"What gives you the right to define what magic is? Who are you to define what makes a witch and wizard?" ______ yelled at him.

Maverick ran up to her, shoving her chair to the side. ______ fell helplessly, her head hitting the ground and making her awful feeling worse. "You and that wizard really love each other, don't you? You have no idea what it is to have magic, what it is to have to hide your abilities from the world because they're scared of it. To have to fear people you know you could take down in an instant if you wanted to. You shouldn't have the right to bear a magical child when you know nothing of magic yourself. You'll just mistreat them!"

______ paused. The anger Maverick felt for this topic felt personal. "Maverick, were your parents Muggles?"

Maverick didn't answer the question. Instead, he got red in the face and yanked the chair up. He reached into his pocket, replacing his wand for a knife. ______'s eyes got wide. "You shouldn't be allowed to have children." Maverick aimed the knife so it was pointing right towards her uterus. "I can make sure you never will."

"No, don't," ______ squirmed around in her chair, trying her best to move away, but it was no use.

However, before Maverick could even move the knife, Maverick heard the door of the room begin to open.

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