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This chapter is one of the shorter ones - but it's about to fill in a big blank. Next one will be longer and answer even more blanks, stay patient!

- J.


______ woke up in a room she didn't recognize. She knew what the room was, of course, but she never remembered her being in it. The last thing she remembered was being on the ground, feeling like she was being attacked, but she couldn't see anything. Her energy felt like it was being drained out of her, as if someone was physically taking out the happiness from her. Next thing she knew, there was a blinding, bright blue light. Her vision went dark, and the memory ended.

She looked around the room before looking down at herself. She looked like she was in a hospital bed, but this didn't feel like a hospital room. It was empty except for the hospital bed, a curtain hiding something and a chair. She was laying on the bed, but there was nothing attached to her. No IV, no needles, no tubes. She was just laying in bed, wrapped in a thin blanket and wearing a hospital gown. What is going on here?

She swung her feet over the side of the bed and stood up. Her legs felt like jelly for being down for so long, but she had no idea how long she's actually been out for. A day? A few days? Once questions started filing her head, an important, pressing question dominated her mind.

Where was Newt?

"Newt?" She called out, wondering is anyone was there to hear her. "Newt? Are you there?" There was no answer. She looked around the room again, heading towards the curtain that seemed to be hiding something. She walked over and pulled the curtain quickly, surprised by what was behind it.

All that was behind it was a toilet and a small sink. Wherever she was, it seemed as though they expected her to be here for a while.

No way was that happening. She wanted to get out of there as swiftly as possible.

She walked towards the only option she seemed to have: the door. There weren't any windows in the room, and it only had a tiny vent on the ceiling. Even if she was desperate enough to try t go through the vents and somehow found a way to reach the ceiling, there was no fitting through that tiny thing. Walking up to it, she grabbed the knob and gave it a try. The door was locked.

No luck, she thought, and panic began to fill her. Where was she? Why was she locked in here? Where was Newt? She tried the knob again, even knowing it wouldn't work, and shook it as hard as she could. Who was keeping her here? "Let me out!" she began to shout. "Let me out right now!" As she shouted, she began kicking the door, punching it, slamming her body against it. Anything to try to make it open.

It was a sudden dark, familiar voice that stopped her in her place and sent shivers down her spine. A voice she thought she would never hear again, a voice she hoped she would never hear again.

"Did you miss me?"

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