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Two Days Earlier...

The next morning, there was tension in the air on a level Newt was sure could've been lethal. It was apparent that Tina still wasn't happy with what happened yesterday, but in her own mind, it was bigger than the rest of them could understand. She wasn't mad at Newt, Queenie, or even _______. She was mad at herself.

Tina was mad at the way she acted. Not just now, but for a while. She knew she wasn't the most open-hearted kind of person. She wasn't like her sister; she didn't wear her heart on her sleeve. She wasn't as brave as her sister when it came to emotional affairs. Tina bottled up everything, and always ended up showing the wrong emotion. She knew it didn't make her look good, but she couldn't help it.

She regretted telling Newt right away that ______ should be obliviated all those months ago. She was selfish, she was upset. It was about more than just Newt; it was about her sister. It was about Queenie. Why should Newt be allowed to be happy with his Muggle girlfriend and Queenie was forced to obliviate Jacob? How is that fair? Of course, that's not what she came off as. She never came off the way she wanted to.

The entire time ______ and Newt have been back in New York, Tina felt like she's been impolite, like she's been intruding. As if she was an unwanted guest at her own house. After she blew up on them yesterday, she had a sinking feeling that Newt and ______ were mad at her. That they didn't like her, that they were here out of obligation. She was unfair to them yesterday, but she didn't know how to apologize. Anything she said, it would sound forced, she knew it would.

So instead, she didn't say a word. She couldn't find the right ones to say. She decided to take a break today, she didn't want to face them so soon again and work. They all needed a day off.

As they all ate at the breakfast table, Tina cleared her throat and got the attention of the others. "I think I'm going to go to work today, hold off on investigation for a while. You were right Newt; I'm getting my information right from MACUSA. I should go see if they have anything new, maybe discuss and we can find some leads. They're working the same case as us, so we shouldn't isolate ourselves."

Newt, Queenie and ______ all exchanged glances. Queenie was the first to speak up. "You sure, Teeny? I mean, we can go out and do some more digging. It's a new day, we can-"

"I'm sure, Queenie," Tina cut her sister off. "MACUSA will probably have something we don't. By the end of the night, I promise you, I'll have something for us to work off of. We have something they don't: Newt. An actual beast expert. They must have something good, but they don't know it. We will get to the bottom of this, or Apathy Syndrome is just going to get worse."

Apathy Syndrome? Newt thought, finding the term strange. However, before he thought of it any further, ______ spoke. "If that's what you really want to do, go ahead. Just don't feel like you have to."

"It's okay guys, really. I'll be home in time for dinner," Tina assured them, standing up and grabbing her materials. "I'll be off then," she gave them a small smile before leaving the room, leaving the other three alone and having no idea to do with their free time. Queenie didn't have work today, and Newt and ______ hadn't really planned on anything yet. They had held off the plans they wanted to make to help Tina and Queenie with this case.

Trying to fill the silence, ______ turned to Queenie. "Where do you usually go when you have free time like this, Queenie?" she asked, hoping to find some ideas for the three of them to do today. ______ didn't want to just stay in the house all day, but the other things she wanted to do, she wanted to do with Newt alone. She didn't want to just ask Queenie to stay here, so she was hoping Queenie had ideas of what do to.

Queenie thought for a moment before a huge smile spread across her face. Newt felt like he recognized that smile on her, like she had that same smile when he last saw her. Happy, elated with something specific on her mind. Before Newt could put two and two together, Queenie turned to face the two of them. "Well, there's one thing, but you have to promise to keep quiet about it, okay? Tina can't know, no one can know, Just between the three of us, alright?"

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