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AN: This chapter is one of the way shorter ones, mostly because it's a set up to bigger events. This chapter had to happen in order to set bigger events in motion.

Additionally, this AN is a shameless self-promo of my new story Love Me Dead. It's a new fanfiction I'm working on where you - yes, you, the reader - get to request certain characters, stories and plots. If you want to know more about that, check it out on my page!


Trying to find a wizard in New York was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It especially didn't help when that certain wizard didn't want to be found, and those who knew about his whereabouts were too scared to talk about him. Newt was getting more and more frustrated the longer they searched.

After eight hours or investigating and finding nothing, Newt and Dumbledore ended up by Central Park. He took a deep breath and sat on a bench, his head in his hands. Dumbledore took a seat next to him, looking over at the wizard who looks like he was about to abandon all hope. He knew what was wrong, so he knew a question like that wouldn't help. Dumbledore didn't need to be a legitimist to read what was on his mind. Instead, he asked questions he hoped would help Newt regain his energy. "Newt, how did you and _____ meet in the first place?"

Newt looked up, surprised by the sudden question and why Dumbledore would care. Instead of asking, he decided to talk about it. That was usually the better option anyways. "My Niffler got out of my case, and I chased him all the way into her apartment building. When I grabbed him, I slipped and fell, and I couldn't reach my wand, and I didn't have enough grounding to apparate. I was hanging from her windowsill for my life, and she found me. Instead of questioning why I had broken into her apartment, she helped me up."

"How did she find out about magic?"

"Pickett," Newt smiled thinking about him. He was missing too. "He took a liking to her after she saved me. Wouldn't come off her for the life of me. It's hard to explain to someone that a magical beast was stuck on them without them knowing about magic."

"How did she react?"

"Wonderfully. She didn't get scared at all, she skipped the part where she's surprised and scared. She reacted unlike anyone I've ever met. She reacted with wonder, intrigue, she wanted to know more. She was curious, and she loved to learn about it..." Newt trailed off, leaning back and looking into the night sky. "I'll see her again, right?"

Dumbledore put a hand on Newt's back. "Newt, as long as we don't give up now, we will find her. He can't hide forever. We will find him, and we will find her. I promise you that."

Newt looked down, fighting tears. It was getting harder and harder to believe that, but he knew he had to. He had to hang on. For her, for himself. He wouldn't give up on her. "I just miss her so much. She makes me happier than anything. When I kiss her, the rest of the world fades away, and it's just me and her, and nothing else matters. She believes in me, she helps me, she supports me. I can never remember what hating myself feels like when I'm around her. She makes me feel so wonderful, and I just want to show her that I'm willing to give her the world." Newt took a deep breath and looked over at Dumbledore. "Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"I had a whole plan to surprise her when we were here. One of the nights we spent over here, I was going to-"

Newt was cut off when a wizard shouted, "Them! There! Those are the ones from the posters!"

Newt and Dumbledore stood up quickly, realizing suddenly that they had been surrounded. They both brandished their wands, preparing for a fight, when suddenly their wands shot out of their hands by another wizard who shouted a spell they got drowned out by the sound of magical restraints attaching to them.

It was all happening so fast, but Newt was still able to detect a voice among the crowd shouting, "Take them to MACUSA!"

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