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Hours felt like days when ______ was trapped in the fake hospital room that Maverick kept her trapped in. She hadn't seen him in at least a day, not since the first time she saw him. She still had no idea why she was there, and Maverick's strange words floated around in her head.

What could he possibly need her for?

_____ was bored out of her mind, scared out of her mind, and had no idea what to expect next. The only thing that kept her company was her memories. The memories she had with Newt, the sweet ones, the steamy ones. Just seeing his face made her want to go through all of this just to see him again. Whenever her mind wandered to the steamier memories, all she could think of was the night of their official six-month anniversary. That was the first night they had taken all of their teasing, their make-out sessions, all their awkward turn-ons and done something more. Newt was more nervous than anything, more nervous than _____ was. They weren't worried once they started to remove each other's clothing, after all, under all those layers was the promise of someone they loved getting closer to them.

That was only about five weeks ago, which was strange to think about. Five weeks ago, _____ thought Maverick was dead. Now, she has to see his nightmarish face every day and wonder what torture he was going to put her through.

Right as he came into her mind, the doorknob began to turn, and her head snapped towards the locked door, Maverick coming through it. She grabbed the sheets to the only bed in the room and tried pulling them over herself to hide from him, but she knew it was useless. Her eyes wandered to a bag that made her eyes go wide, mostly because she recognized the label: Kowalski's Baked Goods.

Maverick's voice was cold and sinister as he told her, "I got you something you might like." He threw at the bag at her and she caught it, opening it and seeing an array of baked goods that her jaw-stopped at. Pastries shaped perfectly like the beasts she had grown to love, the ones she helped Newt take care of, the ones she missed.

The ones that were missing.

_____ turned from the bag to Maverick, meeting his harsh eyes with her cautious ones. "Why would you get these got me."

"Oh, you don't like them?" he asked with a smirk. "I thought they might remind you of that mousey little wizard you call your boyfriend. I can easily take them back-"

"No!" _____ shouted, hugging the bag close to her and taking another look inside. "I want them. I really do."

"Good, I hope you're grateful, because you're going to have to become useful to me," Maverick reached into his seemingly bottomless coat pocket and pulled out an item that was far too familiar to _____: Newt's case. Before _____ could even say a word, Maverick continued talking. "I need you to take care of them for now. I want to use them but... not yet. All in good time. Once my dementors weaken the population just enough, then they'll become useful. However, someone needs to keep them alive, and I could care less about feeding them. So, they're your responsibility now."

Maverick placed the case on the ground and kicked it over to _____, causing some of the creatures inside of it to stir. She grabbed it off of the ground and hugged it close to her. "I'll do it. Of course I'll do it," she told him, playing along. Of course she was going to take care of them, but she would not allow him to use them. She thought, however, if she played along for now she could get him to do one favor for her. "Maverick... do you think you can bring me more of these pastries? The beast shaped ones?"

Maverick shook his head. "Sorry, that's impossible, dear. I killed the baker. Muggles who know about magic, or anything about the magical world, have no place existing. They don't have the right to know about us, and they don't have the right to keep on living."

Tears immediately flooded ______'s eyes. Jacob is dead? She thought, not wanting to accept it. Not that long ago, she was meeting him for the first time, bonding over their magical-spouses. She made a connection with him, a true one, he was kind to her. It can't be true.

She had to accept that it was. Maverick wasn't messing around with that kind of topic.

"What do you have against Muggles who know about magic?" she began to shout, overwhelmed with emotions. It was getting to be too much. Jacob didn't deserve to die, she didn't deserve to have nightmares the rest of her life, a scar that branded her with the slur. "There's nothing I am doing that is directly harming you! All I wanted to do was live a life with Newt in peace, I love him. Can't you see that wizards and Muggles really can fall in love?"

"Love," Maverick scoffed. "That's the mortal version of magic. You cast wizards under the only spell you know, the spell of love, and you expect every other wizard to go along with it. Mudbloods are born from sickening parents, and they expect us to accept them. Mudbloods aren't the worst to me, though. Their parents didn't make a conscious decision to dirty their blood. No, it's the half-bloods that sicken me the most. Wizards born from parents who knew what they were doing was wrong and did it anyways. A muggle parent and a wizard parent, a knowing tint of blood. A union formed from some forbidden magic you insist on calling love."

"Maverick, you are a sick-"

_____ didn't get far in her sentence before Maverick lifted his wand and uttered "Silencio! I was talking! You never learn. You never will, you dumb muggle. Your naïve wizard boyfriend may have accepted you, but you will never be one of us. You will never fit in with us, and any baby you and that wizard have together is forged in a union made from selfishness. Love is selfish, you know? You'll know soon about sickening half-bloods."

Maverick gave _____ a look, and suddenly she knew. She knew what he was trying to say, and she wished she could scream, but the spell bound her to silence.

"A woman in your condition..."

He had hooked her up in a fake hospital room, but it was still a hospital room. One where evaluations were done. _____ put a hand to her stomach and felt like she was going to be sick, there was no way this was happening. Maverick let go of his hold of her and she began to scream, "Newt! Newt! Newt!"

"Help is not on its way," he told her. With a sickening look, he raised his wand at her. "Do you remember the curse?"

_____'s eyes went wide. "No, please Maverick, no. No, no, no. Please. I want to see Newt. Please, I need to see him," she begged. She didn't want to be alone more than anything else right now, and remembering that night and that curse flooded her mind.

Maverick lowered his wand. "Take care of the beasts." He told her, and with a snap of his fingers, he disappeared.

_____ fell back onto the hospital bed clutching the pastry bag and Newt's case, tears flooding her eyes. Her form of entertainment and reassurance turned dark as all her mind started to allow her to remember was the night at the castle. She felt like she was going to be sick.

Crucio, crucio, crucio.


AN: Jay here. I'm not dead, just ill. However, good news! I'm getting some surgery at the beginning of next month and some other surprises are underway! In the meantime, we're going to go back to regular updates. Thank you to everyone who was patient with me. Now, every Sunday night, expect an update. Oh, it'll be fun. Who's ready?

I finally am.

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