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Present Day.

Tina was sobbing harder than Queenie had ever seen her by the time she was finished telling the story. Queenie wanted to know everything, and now she felt like she knew too much. The entire situation was overwhelming. Queenie had no idea what to say or how to comfort her. It was beyond words.

Tina wasn't done speaking. "You know what the worst part of it all is?" she asked, her voice wavering. "I haven't been able to find ______ anywhere. Usually it's easy to find the ones with Apathy Syndrome, they're so obviously empty, and they're always left at the scene of the crime, but not her. I can't find her anywhere. Even if newt did remember, there isn't anything I could tell him. ______ is missing, his case is missing, and he can't remember anything."

"It's not your fault, honey," Queenie reassured her. "You had just been attacked. If you had tried saving ______, they would both be lost. She was too far gone – they wanted her, and they got her."

"Newt wouldn't understand. Don't you see Queenie? Either way I choose I cannot win. If I tell Newt the truth, he'll be heartbroken. He'll never forgive himself, he took her there with him, he wanted to protect her. It isn't his fault, but he'll think it is. She was taken from right next to him. He loved her, Queenie. He loved her more than I've ever seen anyone love a person. I don't care if he never forgives me, not really. I do care that he'll never let himself off the hook."

"You can't keep lying to him, Tina," Queenie began. "I know it's hard, and you're right. There's no way for this to turn out well. However, he has a right to know, Tina. If you don't, Newt and everyone else will question his sanity. Think about it. He's talking about someone who we're saying doesn't exist, and he's bound to have some very clear memories of her. How long until he breaks and thinks that his sanity over the past months has been broken?"

Tina looked over at her with wet eyes. "Are you going to tell him?"

Queenie shook her head. "No, I won't tell him. I'll leave it up to you to decide Tina, I trust you to make the right decision. Just... think a little more about it, okay? It's not just about him, either. You're erasing memories of ______, making her nothing more than a fantasy, but she was real. She deserves to be remembered, doesn't she?"

Tina didn't say anything, she just sighed. She knew was the right thing to do was, but it was going to be so hard. Hard to explain, but harder to see. She would have to look Newt in the eyes and tell him that the woman he loved was missing – taken by dementors. She didn't know if she could do it.

"So, what are you going to tell him?" Queenie asked, seeing the far-off look in Tina's eyes.

She paused. There was silence before she spoke, "The truth."

She would tell him first thing tomorrow. Wake him up and tell him everything, explain everything to MACUSA. She could lose her job for lying, and she could lose her friendship with Newt, but that didn't matter. Queenie was right, neither of them deserved this.

However, there was already someone on their way to do exactly that. He came from across the sea, and he was looking for Newt. He already knew the story; he already knew the truth. It was amazing how fast words could travel in the wizarding world.

Dumbledore stood in front of the MACUSA building, knowing what he needed to do. He needed Newt's help, and Newt needed his. This was an emergency, and no American wizard facility was going to stop him.

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