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Nineteen Years Later...

King's Cross Station was full to the brim as Newt and ______ arrived. Newt looked around, it had been years since he's been to Platform 9 and ¾. The Hogwarts Express looked brand new, but it was the still the same old design. The loud engine was nothing compared to the sound of hundreds upon hundreds of students accompanied by their parents. In fact, that's what he was here with ______ for.

Newt looked behind him and saw his beautiful family with him: his darling wife, his twins (one boy and one girl, he was shocked) and their youngest daughter. It was the twin's first year at Hogwarts, and they were ecstatic. They wore their new robes and were messing around with their wands, although they used them more to swordfight with each other. ______ was holding onto their youngest daughter's hand, not wanting to lose her in the crowd.

Newt turned to the twins, trying to get their attention. "Arabella, Wilson," he called their names, and they put their wands at their sides and looked over at him. "Are you guys ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yeah!" Arabella shouted, pointing her wand at Newt. "I'm gonna be like you, dad. Now I'll be the one who takes care of your animals!"

Newt laughed. "Maybe I'll let you take care of them alone once you get a little older, sweetie. We'll see how well you do in Care of Magical Creatures. If you do well enough, we'll talk about it, okay?"

"Okay!" She gave him a hug. "I'm going to miss you, dad."

Newt hugged her back, not really wanting to let go. Arabella was the oldest by just a few minutes, but she always held it over Wilson's head. She had Newt's eyes and freckles, but ______'s hair. She smelled like home, and Newt was kind of worried to let them go to Hogwarts. He never realized how truly little the first years at Hogwarts were. He was worried about letting them go, but he knew that Hogwarts was safe. When Newt finally let go, he looked her in the eyes and smiled at her. "Don't forget to go say goodbye to your mom and your little sister, okay?" Newt kissed her forehead, and Arabella was already bounding towards ______ and Leigh, their youngest.

Newt looked at Wilson. Wilson, according to ______, looked like the spitting image of Newt. Same hair, same face, same freckles. However, his eyes looked exactly like ______'s beautiful eyes. He was taller than Arabella, and just a little taller than Newt was when he first started Hogwarts. He was being quieter than usual, and that was saying something. Usually, he was full of energy, but today he was quiet. Except for occasionally messing with Arabella, he was silent the entire trip. "Hey, is everything alright?" Newt kneeling, looking at Wilson.

"Yeah, everything's fine, but..." Wilson trailed off, at a loss for words.

"Are you nervous?"

"Kind of. I've never been away from you guys for so long, and... it's something else." His tone was quiet and serious.

"What's wrong?"

Wilson looked back at Arabella, Leigh and ______. Newt could tell there was a lot on his mind. However, when he finally spoke, Newt was surprised. "It's about Leigh," he started. "I don't want her to feel left out. Seeing all this... it's amazing, and I wish Leigh could experience it.

Newt knew exactly what he was talking about. Leigh was eight years old, and she had never exhibited any signs of magic. It wasn't just a matter of Leigh not being old enough to go to Hogwarts, she didn't have magic. Newt nodded. "I understand, but you know, it doesn't have to be that way."

"It doesn't?" Wilson asked, looking hopefully at Newt. "What do you mean?"

"Well, take your mom for example," Newt and Wilson looked over at her. Newt smiled, she was deep in conversation with Arabella about something. He was sure he'd hear about it later. "Does she look unhappy?"

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