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There was only one place Newt knew where to go in New York for information: The Blind Pig. His past experience with the place had been less than ideal, and that was when he had something to offer. Now he was going in empty-handed, armed with nothing but his wits and his previous professor.

It wasn't what he wanted when he was looking for information so important, but he had to make due somehow.

Dumbledore was skeptical when New first proposed the idea of going to The Blind Pig. Newt had nothing to offer, so it was Dumbledore who would have to be offering something. Newt had an idea, but he didn't know how far he could get with it. In fact, it was such a shaky idea, he hadn't even told Dumbledore about it. It was rather inconvenient, considering the fact that it was a skill of Dumbledore's that Newt was going to be offering.

Newt went out shopping that day, going to Muggle shops he had visited before with ______ to find himself and Dumbledore clothes nice enough to be in The Blind Pig while blending in. For a place mostly run by wanted wizards, it was a classy joint. He found himself a pressed shirt with a bow-tie, and Dumbledore instead with some dress robes he had brought with him instead of getting anything else. They waited a few hours for the sun to go down so the place would be populated and headed inside.

The heavy smell of drinks they were serving at the bar was the first thing Newt thought about when he walked in. Looking at Dumbledore, he could tell he was thinking the same thing, his nose was scrunched and he had an unpleasant look on his face. "Don't worry Professor, I have a plan," Newt told him.

"The words 'I have a plan' have never been particularly soothing to me," Dumbledore told him, looking around. "Who are we looking for here?"

"A goblin," Newt replied casually. "His name is Gnarlak, and he runs this place. He sells anyone information for the right price."

"We have nothing to offer," Dumbledore pointed out.

"Sure we do," Newt looked at Dumbledore and gave him a half-smile. "Inside information about MACUSA."

Before Dumbledore could ask Newt to explain, he had walked away and sat in a booth, looking around with a distracted look in his eyes. Dumbledore observed him from afar for a moment. Newt had always been someone who was fidgety and was uncomfortable around people, but the last time he had seen Newt he seemed different. That was when he caught Newt and ______ in the headmaster's office and helped them escape. There was something different about him then.

Newt had been brave and stood up to Headmaster Black to defend ______ the best he could. It was as if just being around her had transformed him into a better version of himself. Nothing was vastly different about him, but he was more comfortable to be himself around her.

And here he was, going somewhere he was obviously uncomfortable just to see if he can get the smallest piece of information about where she could be. He was a Hufflepuff through and through, continuing to be the loyal boyfriend to a woman who Dumbledore wasn't sure was even alive. He certainly hoped she was, but they had to face the facts at some point: she was last seen being attacked by Dementors and being dragged away by an unknown man. The chances of her still being alive somewhere out there were slim.

But those were the slim chances that Newt continued to hold on to.

Dumbledore joined Newt at the booth he sat in, and someone had some up to them asking what they were there for. When Newt said Gnarlak's name, they just nodded and went into the back. Dumbledore leaned towards Newt. "So, what exactly is this inside information we have about MACUSA?"

"You'll just have to trust me on this," Newt told him. Moments later, Dumbledore saw the goblin they were waiting for walk up to the table, a large cigar hanging out of his mouth.

"Newt Scamander, I never expected to see your face around here after the trouble you cost me last time," he growled, obviously not happy with seeing Newt around again.

"You were the one who threatened to call MACUSA," he told him. "You were scared about something then. You didn't want ______ here for some reason, and now that I know why, I can understand that. But I'm back here, and I have different questions. I'm here for information."

"You know how it works," Gnarlak leaned in menacingly. "I don't give away anything for free."

Newt took in a deep breath, hoping the information he had would be sufficient. "I know how to break out of MACUSA's cells from the inside with nothing but a cup of coffee."

Dumbledore looked over at Newt, trying to hide his shocked expression. That was his power play? His escape plan? It had only worked because Dumbledore had planned ahead and prepared for all kinds of options, and because Abernathy was very bad at judging Dumbledore's character. Or, rather, anyone's character for that matter. How was he supposed to pawn off that plan? One Gnarlak realized how simple it was, they were going to be in trouble.

However, he never would have to.

Gnarlak was intrigued. He knew a lot of people who would pay a big price for information like that. He knew more than a fair share of wizards who knew the inside of MACUSA's cells better than they knew their own bedroom. "What do you want in return?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew that kind of information wasn't going to come without a big price-tag from the wizard. He had to know how valuable information like that was to come here with it.

"I want you to tell me anything and everything you know about the whereabouts of a wizard called 'Maverick,'" Newt told him, making eye contact with the goblin and leaning in.

Gnarlak's face dropped. Last time Newt came in, he brought a no-maj, and that scared him enough to kick him out. Now he was asking him about the only wizard that Gnarlak was genuinely terrified of. "No deal," Gnarlak deadpanned at him, trying to remain calm. "Nothing is worth revealing what I know about him. I don't gamble with my own life, thank you very much."

"He'll never know where we got our information from, it could be anyone," Newt told him. "What makes you think he knows it would be you?"

"He won't care who gave the information, he'll just send his army of dementors to all of us in that case. No man is going to risk his life talking about that man, it's too dangerous. You could have information about how to break into every major bank in the city, and I'd still turn you away if you want something about him. No deal," Gnarlak spat in his face. "Now, get out of my bar."

Defeated, Newt and Dumbledore began to stand. Gnarak watched then as they got up, and spoke up one last time. "I'll give you some free advice, Scamander. Stop looking for that wizard."

"I can't do that," Newt turned around, looking towards up but not directly at him. "He kidnapped my girlfriend, you see, and I'll do anything to get her back."

"The no-maj you brought in here last time?" Gnarlak asked in surprise. Newt shook his head and began to walk away, Dumbledore at his side. "What would Maverick want with a no-maj?" He mumbled to himself.

There was one thing he knew: whatever it was for, it wouldn't be good. He felt bad for the no-maj, something he thought he never would feel. After all, he'd rather be dead in his own bar than have to live anywhere near Maverick.

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