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Queenie had left to prep Jacob as soon as Tina went looking for Newt and Dumbledore. She knew that as soon as they were found, everyone would want to know what happened. Jacob was still in shock, and right now he was eating a chocolate pastry under Queenie's orders. "It'll help you feel better," she assured him. "You'll want your energy for when they get here. I have a feeling everything is going to come together tonight."

Jacob just sat in silence, not really in a mood to talk. After everything that happened, he hasn't even had time to catch his breath. If he did, they'd realize that he holds some of the most important information:

He knows where Maverick is staying.

After finishing his pastry, there's a sudden sound and the room is filled with three more people than there was two seconds ago. Joining them now was Tina, Newt and someone he had never seen before. He had a beard and kind eyes, and he figured that he was one of the good guys. Newt caught Jacob's eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked him. "I heard what happened."

"Never mind me, are you alright?" Jacob asked. "You look like you haven't slept in days."

Newt just shook his head. "I haven't been able to. I need to find ______ and know that she's okay. I won't be able to rest until then."

"We were hoping you noticed something or had any information at all about the wizard who attacked you," Tina told him. "Newt says the description you gave reminds him of a wizard he knew all too well long ago, someone who's already tried once to steal all of Newt's beasts. Now his case and ______ are gone."

"Was his name Maverick?" Jacob asked, and silence filled the air. It was the first time Jacob had given any kind of hint that he knew more than just what the wizard looked like. Dumbledore was the first to speak in a kind, calming voice, but it still held a certain note of urgency. "How did you know that?"

Jacob went behind the counter. "The guy paid with a Charga-Plate. They're new, we just got them implemented here about a week or two ago. He must input his address, city and name when he signs up for one, and I see all that information when he's paying. I was sitting here thinking about it, and I can remember everything that it said."

"Well, where is he?" Tina asked impatiently. The faster they could find ______ and know she was okay; the sooner Tina would be able to forgive herself. However, there was a part of herself that knew that wasn't going to happen in time. Although it's a miracle that ______ is still alive, she still has to live with the fact that she caused Newt so much unneeded pain.

That wasn't going to go away anytime soon.

"He's staying in some remote place I've never heard of over on Staten Island. I remember the street name vaguely, but I know if I saw it, I'd recognize it."

"So, you're saying that we need to head over to Staten Island?" Dumbledore asked. "How are we supposed to find one street over there in enough time? I mean, surely by now he should know that we're looking for him. Especially after what happened with us getting arrested. News travels fast, and Maverick has agents all over the city working for him."

"Well, we have to be faster," Newt said simply. He didn't care how long it would take, he was going to find ______. "Let's get going."

In reality, though Newt was trying to put on a cool and strong front, his mind was racing with a thousand outcomes. Why was Maverick buying baked good anyways? What's going on over there? Does that mean she's still alive?

Why is Maverick doing this?


He knew they were on his trail, he wasn't stupid. When Tina put Newt and Dumbledore's faces on wanted posters at The Blind Pig, he got all the information he needed from a certain goblin who was too scared of what Maverick could do to question him.

It was fine, Maverick knew this would happen. That's why he had ______ and the case. Leverage.

Now, it was finally time to put his plans into action. The time was drawing nearer for his entire plot to begin.


I'm back! Now, I know this is a short chapter, but there is plenty more to come. I have finished this story entirely, now it's only a matter of updating weekly, like I promised. I have over 40,000+ words written for this story. Get excited, this summer, Imaginary will come to it's full and proper conclusion.

- Jay

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