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Queenie apparated right into the apartment, grateful that Tina wasn't in the room when she did. She didn't want to spring Jacob on her now, she needed to talk to her about other pressing things before Tina freaked out at the sight of Jacob. She turned to him. "You stay here, I need to talk to Tina. Don't make a noise," she said seriously but gave him a smile. He had already had one frightening experience tonight, she didn't want to add to a bad atmosphere with her attitude. She kissed him softly on the lips and whispered, "I'll be right back."

She walked towards Tina's room, knowing she'd find her in there. Tina hasn't been herself since what happened. Queenie knew it hurt her to see Newt so upset, it hurt to lie to him, it hurt to know what happened. She blamed herself. She thought that she should've tried harder to save _____, that she could've done more. Queenie disagreed.

In a small way, Queenie blamed herself. If she had stayed and helped them look instead of leaving to visit Jacob, this may not have happened. She would've been there to help. _____ didn't stand a chance against Dementors, she couldn't even see them.

Queenie knocked on Tina's door. "Teeny?" she asked quietly. She only heard a soft groan from inside. "I know you're in there. I need to talk to you, so I'm coming in."

She softly opened the door to see Tina curled up on the bed, still in her work clothes. Queenie went up to her and softly sat next to her. "I need to tell you something important, Tina, and I need you to listen the whole way though."

Tina sat up and looked at her. The serious nature of Queenie's voice concerned her. "Of course I'll listen. What's wrong?"

Queenie took a deep breath. It's all or nothing.

"Tina, I haven't been completely honest with you. For a few months now... I've been seeing Jacob. He remembers everything now, and Tina, it was so hard to let him go. He and I, we have something special. Just like Newt and _____ do. Well, I was visiting him today, and someone came in. Tina, from the moment he walked in, there was something off about him. I could feel it. He bought something from the bakery, and then he sent in a Dementor. He attacked Jacob, and I barely got it off of him. Tina, I think that's him. The dark wizard. It's time to tell Newt the truth so we can all go after him together. You have to tell him sometime, Tina, and if there's a chance that _____ is still alive and still out there, we have to take it."

Tina was shocked. It was a lot of information to take in, first of all. She wasn't upset with Queenie about Jacob. She figured it would happen sooner or later. In fact, because of _____ and Newt, she got used to the idea of No-Majs and wizards being together. She wanted to support them now, rather than push them away, and she was upset with herself that she gave Queenie the impression that she had to hide their relationship. She was ashamed of what she used to think. She wanted to be better.

The second thing she was shocked by was that a dark wizard would even go into Jacob's bakery. "What? Why was he there? What did he buy?"

"I have no idea why. All he did was buy a few pastries and try to attack Jacob. That's why we have to tell Newt. He's getting closer, and I think Newt should help us find him. He deserves to know what really happened to _____."

Tina took a moment of silence and then sobbed. "Queenie, I have bad news. Newt escaped from his cell last night with the help of another wizard, and we can't find him anywhere." She put her head in her hands. "I'm sure he hates me now anyways, Queenie. Even if we find him, I don't know what I would say to him."

Queenie put her hand on her back. "Just tell him the truth. It wasn't your fault, Tina. There's nothing you could've done." She thought for a moment. "I think I know a way we can find them."

Tina looked over at her. "What is it?"

"Do you know the name of the wizard who helped him?"

"Ah... Albus Dumbledore."

Queenie smiled. "If just you and I look for them, it'll be impossible. There's no way we can track down two people who don't want to be found with just two of us. If we put a bounty on them though..."

Tina knew where she was going with her train of thought. "There'd be more wizards looking for them, wizards who know how to find people who don't want to be found." She smiled. "And I know just the place to do it."

Tina stood up and left her bedroom, and Queenie was happy. She hadn't seen Tina this excited about an idea in a long time. She followed her out, and saw that Tina and Jacob were standing face-to-face, looking at each other. Silence hung in the air and Queenie looked over at Jacob, reading his mind. What should I do?

Queenie turned to Tina. She knew she wasn't angry with her or Jacob. She could read that much. Jacob spoke hesitantly. "Hello, uh, Miss Goldstein."

Tina just laughed lightly, wiping a tear off her face she hadn't realized had fallen. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kowalski. I'm sorry that you and Queenie felt like you had to hide from me. From now on, I promise you two have my full support. You don't have to run around behind my back."

Jacob smiled from ear to ear. "Really?"

Tina nodded. "Now, you two put on your best clothes. We're going to the Blind Pig."

Jacob remembered that place faintly. A magical speak-easy. He remembers punching a mobster in the face there and took a deep breath. This will be interesting.


Hey, I'm writing a new story. It's a little different from usual. Check it out on my page - Love Me Dead.

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