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I reference a song early in this chapter, and so attached to this chapter is a little video of that song (I know the art looks a little silly, but it's cute)! It's from an adorable game, and I really wanted to include it because I would like to imagine it's something Newt would sing to the reader. Enjoy ~


______ had been spending most of her time in Newt's case. After she pulled herself together, she felt an obligation to take care of the beasts more than ever before. Feeding them and spending time around them made her feel better, calmer. They always had a way of making Newt feel that way, and now she could feel it too. In fact, she even got to humming a song she was feeling that much better. She hadn't thought about music in days, but in some strange way, it helped her as she pictured the lyrics in her mind.

My love, oh my only, you're everything to me. I have tried all my life to be just what you need. Sometimes, it may seem I'm a million miles away, but my dear, I've been here and always will be yours.

She hummed and thought about Newt. Even though he was far away from her, something made her feel like he was right next to her. She was running through everything Maverick had been telling her for the past few days in her mind.

The possibility of her being pregnant scared her, she wasn't going to lie. However, she didn't even know if she was. All she had to go on was Maverick's word, but she was scared it may have held some weight. She couldn't remember how long it had been since that time last month, but she swore that it wasn't time yet. However, she also had the disadvantage of not knowing how many days she was unconscious for.

Other things that crossed her mind was how easy it would be to use the beasts to escape. They could easily help her fight Maverick or pick the lock of this stupid room, but she stopped herself. She didn't know how to manage the creatures as well as Newt did, she didn't want to put them in danger, and above all, she didn't want them to do her dirty work. She knew Newt wouldn't like them doing it as much as she didn't want to do it.

She laid down on the small hammock that Newt had in the office near the entrance. Her stomach had been killing her all day, and even that scared her into thinking that Maverick may be telling the truth. However, she allowed the rational part of her brain to help her calm down: it could be several things. It could be that Maverick wasn't feeding her well, she's too stressed, and maybe...

______ sat up. Her stomach got hit with a huge wave of pain, sending a ripple of horrible aching down her back. She got up and headed towards the first bathroom she could, hoping that it was still working.

That was when she knew Maverick really was lying. The horrible waves of pain came with the special gift of blood. For once in her life, ______ wanted to cry with joy when she realized it was that time of month.

She quickly cleaned herself up and ran out of the case, only to met with Maverick's face as soon as her head popped out. He looked as if he was just about to knock on the opening of the case. Before he could even say anything, ______ lost it.

"Maverick, I could kill you!" she shouted, jumping out of the case. She had never been so mad at anyone. All of her fear seemed to be replaced with pure anger, if only for a few minutes, and she lost a fuse on him. "You're a lying bastard, I'm not even close to pregnant! I am very much on my period, and very much pissed at the idea that you were going to scare me into working for you! You thought I wouldn't ever find the truth? You tried stopping me from fighting back just by telling me I was pregnant. I have half a mind to find the most deadly, poisonous beast in that case and stick it down your-"

Maverick, however, had no interest in where she was going and simply pointed his wand and uttered, "Silencio." All at once, ______'s words stopped in her throat and she felt choked by her own silence. "You never know how to shut up, do you?"

______ saw an opportunity and reached out for the wand pointed at her. If she could just break it, maybe she would have a chance to fight back. However, Maverick saw this, and was faster than she was. He moved it out of her way and kicked her harshly, sending her to the ground. Before she could get up, he put a foot on her chest, keeping her down. She felt like she could barely breathe. "Didn't I tell you what I'd do if you were to get unruly? Or was our first night at that castle not good enough for you? Did you forget the name of the curse already?"

Even if ______ could speak, she'd be at a loss for words. Maverick was in a bad mood, he was sick of empty threats. He pressed harder on her chest, pointed his wand, and muttered, "Crucio."

All at once, a scorching sensation filled her. It felt like 1,000 needles, like a burning fire, like she was melting from the inside out. She tried screaming, but she wasn't even in control of her own voice anymore. The thought filled her head: if Maverick were the face of every magic user, no wonder Muggles spent years burning witches and wizards. They never got to meet the common wizard, just the twisted ones.

"Now, you're going to do something very important for me if you ever want to get out of her with your sanity still intact." He let his foot off her chest and put his wand down, and ______ was coughing and tears filled her eyes when she could finally speak and move. She could barely listen to what he had to say, but still focused her attention onto him.

"You have to convince Newt that you don't love him anymore."

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