Chapter 6

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Spencer's POV:

So I woke up the next morning pretty early and checked my phone..

I had a text from Cody last night after I went to bed saying he invited some friends over. Great, more teenage boys to deal with. I decide to go to down to the kitchen and make some coffee.

I walk down and yes! Nobody was up yet, thank god. I liked having peaceful mornings but before I could even finish the thought Cody ran down the stairs and searched through the cabinets like an animal looking for food. Crazy kid.

He brings his friends down and introduces them all to me.

Cameron, Tyler, Taylor and Chase. Although there was one more boy walking down the stairs.

I spit my coffee out of my mouth and almost fell over when I saw the other boy. It couldn't be, was I dreaming again? Sam Pottorff was standing right in front of me! I say hello as calm as I could and pull Cody aside.

"Cody what the hell! You didn't tell my you were friends with Sam!!!" I yelled in his face. "Must of slipped my mind?" He replied.

My face instantly turns red when I look back over at Sam.


Sam's POV:

Cody told me about his cousin visiting and to be honest I didn't really care that much.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not the rude type but I've never met her before. How would I know if she's nice or not?

When I walked down the stairs, that was the first time I laid my eyes on her. My eyes widened instantly, she was so beautiful. I could feel my cheeks getting rosey, I hope she didn't notice..

She seemed to be surprised that I was there. I heard Cody say she was a big O2L fan so I bet she was really not ready for me to just show up in her kitchen.

Cody tells us to grab something to eat and meet him back upstairs.

Of course, I was the last one to find something. I wanted to talk to her..

"So, I didn't catch your name? I'm Sa-" , "I know, I watch your YouTube videos" she replied shyly. "But my name's Spencer." I quickly smiled and she gave a smile back.

"Well Spencer, you have the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen" I managed to say. She blushed. She was so cute when she blushed. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I need to get to know this girl.


Spencer's POV:

"Well Spencer, you have the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen" is what Sam just said to me.

I was totally fangirling in the inside. I can't believe this is happening to me right now! I knew I started blushing and he just laughed. I loved his laugh, I always have. It was one of my favorite things about his videos.

"Well you should get back to Cody and the other guys" I replied, stopping probably the best moment of my life. I'm so stupid.

He replied with "Yeah, you should text me sometime Spencer."

We exchanged numbers and he went upstairs to join the other boys.

I immediately text Jessica, Dana, and Zoe and tell them what just happened! Zoe was the first one to reply with "OMG!" Then Jessica with "No way, you're lying" . Lastly Dana with "Are you kidding details now".

I reply to them later, I'm still in shock after what just happened.

So much for a peaceful morning..


She finally actually met Sam! Lol yeah, hope you guys like it! See ya.


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