Chapter 19

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Sam's POV:

I was walking into the party when next thing I know, these four guys just push me up against the house. The sad part is I knew these guys...

They were my brothers.

Not fully, but we have the same Dad. Ever since I was 5 they would pick on me and call me names. It's always been a soft spot in my heart.

They were probably going to beat me up if Spencer didn't save me. I can't believe she did that, for me.. She's my lifesaver. I love that girl.

I couldn't stop crying as me and her walked to the nearest park bench, FAR from Jc's house. She just held my hand and told me everything was okay.

Spencer is so caring, it's one of things I love about her. She always knows what to say and do to make me feel better. I figured she deserved to know why I got so emotional.

When I was younger, like 5th grade I got bullied a lot. It followed me all the way until I graduated. I would get pushed into lockers, my money stolen, and get called mean names constantly. I would go home just crying, because I was literally just thrown around and treated like nothing. When I went home, it got worse. My 4 brothers would hit me and tell me if I told my mom or dad that they would lie. So I couldn't escape it, ever..

It's pretty bad to feel like you mean nothing. I felt like nobody would ever love me, and everybody was just there to hurt me. It really takes a tool on your personality after a while.. I would cry myself to sleep every night and just pray things would get better, but they never did. I felt worthless, meaningless, just everything negative. I didn't have friends, nothing. That's why in high school when I met Kian, I got a little better. He was my first friend ever, even then I still got bullied. In 8th grade, that's when I started to self harm. I thought maybe if I did it, people would understand that I'm suffering and unhappy. In my freshman year, October 5th, was my first and only suicide attempt.

I didn't want to be alive anymore. Nobody loved me, nobody liked me, I had no reason to be in the world. Plus I was just depressed. I cut my wrist so deep you could see bone, the last thing I remember is laying on the bathroom floor then I woke up in the hospital.

I was sent to a psychic ward and put on medication for my depression. That's my story.

I'm scared to tell Spencer.. Will she hate me ? Or even worse be scared of me?


Spencer's POV:

Me and Sam sat on the bench and he looked like he wanted to say something, I knew his facial expressions so well.

"Sam, you can tell me anything.. I-I love you." I said, meaning what I said. He gave me a weak smile and began to speak.

"Spencer there's a reason I acted the way I did.. I think you should know why I react to hate and bullying so bad. Going into middle school through sophomore year, I was bullied. Not just pushed around a little but full on just treated like shit. I was punched, called every bad name there is, and anything else you can think of. Those guys... They were my half brothers. They would beat me up, sometimes even break bones. My parents never believed me though.. That's why I have scars, Spencer. I started to cut because I got depressed. I figured I had no meaning in the world anymore. Going into freshman year, I attempted to commit suicide. I cut so deep I landed myself in the hospital. Nobody loved me, i was depressed. Still today, on O2L sometimes hate still gets to me. Although, as I met Kian and the other boys everything got better. I had friends, I actually smiled sometimes. The suicidal thoughts went away and I didn't cut. Then I met you, I thought my life was good then? Psh, you made it great. Seeing that I made you smile made me feel the best feeling. I can't even explain. Thank you Spence, you saved my life." He said with tears trickling down his adorable cheeks. He gave me a weak smile and I began to cry.

"Sam, that is terrible. Going through that must've been so hard, I'm so sorry thats happened to you. You out of all people, don't deserve it. Sam you never have to worry about not being loved again because I'll never stop loving you." I embraced him in a big hug and heard him giggle.

"What?" I said pulling away.

"You've been wearing my clothes, haven't you? The ones I left at your house? You smell an awful lot like me" he said with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks heat up and turn a bright pink color. "Maybe" I said.

"I've missed you so much, I'm so glad you know everything about me now" He said with that big amazing smile.

"I missed you too Sammy" I said snuggling into the crook of his neck.

Next thing I know, Sam was crashing his lips into mine. I'm not complaining, I've missed his kisses so bad. Finally, he's mine and I'm his. The way it's supposed to be.


This chapter was so sad to write :( but finally Sam and Spencer are back together! Yay, #Sancer is the way. Lol but I have a special message for you guys!


One of my best friends, is writing an 02L fanfic and you should check it out! So far it's awesome! So check it it out. It's called Cali-For-BOYS . Thanks guys! Almost at 1K views. Love you!


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