Chapter 16

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Jc's POV:

I was so angry and hurt that Spencer didn't have the same feelings I had for her. Although she did admit she had some feelings for me, but she shot them down because she loves Sam.

I totally forgot we were making my video. I uploaded it to my MacBook and watched it. It started with us being so happy and laughing.. Her smile was the best.. I probably say that a lot but oh well it is. Then it happened, we kissed. It was clear she kissed back for a few seconds but pushed away.

My camera got everything we said on it.. Hmm gives me an idea. I can edit out the part where she said she loves Sam. Sam will get mad and they will break up. She'll come to me and I'll finally have her. I uploaded the video and called it "Secrets with Jc".

Let's see what comments we'll get.

Spencer's POV:

I walked into the house with tears streaming down my face to see Sam in the kitchen. I don't think he saw me so I made a run for it upstairs.


Shit! He saw me. I quickly wiped my face but you could obviously tell I was crying.

"Yeah." I yelled back.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I blushed. That's when he saw my face. He instantly frowned.

"Babe, what happened?"

"Uh, I.. Sam."


"Me and Jc... kissed. I pulled away, and told him that I loved you just I know I'm a terrible girlfriend."

"You what?! Spencer how could you!" A tear shed from his eye.

"Are you kidding? At least I pulled away! You made out with Jenn for like 5 minutes! I told Jc it was a big mistake and ran out and came here. I felt bad about what I did. " I said, surprising myself.

"Spencer you don't think I felt bad? I felt like a worthless piece of shit when I cheated on you. The fact that I hurt you drove me crazy. I cut myself because I needed you! I felt bad for what I did!"

"Whatever Sam. Are we together or not?"

"You know what, no we're not." He said.

I can't lie and say it didn't hurt, because it did.. I went up in my room and heard Sam slam the door when he left. Tears came streaming down my face. It was my fault ..

I was so hurt when Sam kissed Jenn and now I did the same thing to him. No, this can't happen. I knew Sam cared when he did that, I shouldn't have said those things to him. Just then I got a notification on twitter.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Jc posted the video. I was raging, I can't believe he did this to me! What the hell! I clicked on the link and watched it.

I was instantly relieved after watching it. Jc didn't put the part where we kissed or any of that. Thank goodness. Maybe Jc isn't so bad after all.

Jc's POV:

Last minute I cancelled the upload of the video. I can't do this to her. She would be destroyed. No matter how much it hurts, I would never do that to her. I filmed a little more saying how she had to leave but answered some questions myself.

I started thinking about Spencer and if she told Sam. Are they together ? Does Sam know? Maybe I should go talk to her.

I walk over to her house and knock on the door. Nobody answered, I knew she was home. I climbed to the balcony outside her room, and knocked on the glass doors. When she saw me, she smiled then frowned.

She opened the door for me and we sat on her bed and talked.

Spencer's POV:

Although I was mad about what happened, I tried to think positive. I mean everything happens for a reason so just breathe Spencer.

It was sweet that Jc came over to talk about what happened. He wanted to fix things and figure it out, which I liked. Unlike Sam who just screams and slams the door in my face.

Me and Jc were sitting on my bed in kind of a weird awkward silence, but soon it was broken when Jc started to say something..

"Spencer, I'm sorry I kissed you. Just something came over me and I really like you."

I could feel my cheeks heat up and turn a bright shade of pink.

"Jc, it's okay. We kissed and we both kind of felt something.. It was meant to happen for some reason." I said, shocking myself for being so calm.

"Wait did you just say you felt something? And what about Sam?" He said, obviously curiosity eating him alive.

"Jc, I love Sam. Sam will always be my first love but he dumped me earlier because of this. We couldn't do this to each other, I'll always care about Sam. And yes, I did feel something."

A little smile crept on to Jc's face and I giggled.

"You're such a dork" I said, grabbing his cheeks.

"You're so beautiful" he said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Maybe I could get used to this.. Me and Jc. Hmm. Sam is always just in the back of my mind though. I love Sam but he hates me. I'm starting to like Jc, and he likes me back.

Maybe this thing with Sam, just wasn't working ..

Sam's POV:

I can't believe she cheated on me! I'm so angry and hurt, I can't do this! I'm glad I broke up with her! Spencer cheated on me with my best friend!

I broke out in tears on my bed. What the hell is going on with me?

I loved her, I really did. I still do, but she kissed another guy. Me and her just got together again and she does this? It's like we took one step forward and 3 steps back!

Maybe I'm not good enough for her.. I should just find someone else. I can do that, there are beautiful girls everywhere in Cali. I don't need Spencer.

That's when the voices inside of my head started talking.

"Get over yourself, you're worthless."

"Just end it now"

"She never loved you"

"She's with Jc now"

I walked into the bathroom and got a razor. Standing there looking at my now healing cuts, I slashed them open again.

It sometimes took my mind off things. After all the sadness, hurt, and rage built up in me. I thought about when I kissed Jenn.

This was exactly how Spencer felt..

Writers block has struck again haha. Sorry guys. Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Give me a vote and drop a comment if ya want ! Byee

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