Chapter 2

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*2 Weeks Later*

Spencer's POV:

Today was the day I am moving. I can't believe I'm moving all the way across the country to Los Angeles. I've always wants to live in the city but have been stuck in Georgia my whole life. I was excited, nervous but excited.

I picked up the last of bags and started walking towards the door. I would miss this place, I really would. I grew up here and I have such great memories with my 3 best friends. We have become so close and it will hurt to leave them..

I see all of them waiting outside for goodbyes.

I run up to them in tears, "I'm going to miss you guy so much!" I say losing it. They each give me a hug then each give me a personal goodbye. First Zoe saying "Spencie I love you! Have fun in LA ! I'm going to miss you but we will FaceTime and visit as much as we can" I start crying but laugh at the same time, she was so sweet. Second was Jessica, "Spencerr! You're living your dream, you deserve this! <3 We all will miss you so much". I hug her with more tears flowing down my cheeks. Finally Dana, "Spence you're one of my best friends, I'm going to miss you so much dawg. Nothing will get in the way of our friendship, good luck over there!" She says with a smile. I hug her as well, by then I wipe my tears away and just smile at them. I have the most amazing friends who support me so much.


Having a little writers block, I'll try to update soon!


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