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It was early in the morning because the alarm hadn't rung yet. Kara Danvers woke up by the smell of food. She ran like a five-year-old girl until she arrived to the kitchen, where she found Mon-El preparing breakfast, like he was getting used to do since they came back together five months ago.

"Good morning!" Said Kara getting closer to him. She kissed him softly in the cheek.

"Good morning! Breakfast is almost ready." The truth is that Mon-El was pretty good at cooking. Moreover, with Kara's apron like his uniform (which it was very tight for him) seemed even more adorable to the kryptonian.

"Since you are in charge of cooking, you should buy your own apron."

"I like this one. And it's not that small!" He joked while they were carrying the breakfast to the table.

"Well, cooking seems your call".

"Maybe. Who knows. You know, maybe I should start looking for alien chef: Universe's best meals." They both laughed. "By the way, is our training still up today?"

"I don't think I can until lunchtime. I have to bring Snapper an article or he will fire me. Again."

"Don't worry. Tell me when you are free. In the mean time I'll go to the bar and help them out. Lately is always full." Kara nodded and they kept eating.

What Mon-El didn't know is that she was lying. Actually, Kara had the day off to be able to spend all day at the DEO preparing a surprise for Mon-El. She and a team of experts had figured out that Mon-El's Daxam birthday was today on Earth. So they had prepared a little party in his honor and also to congratulate him for his ultimate hard work and dedication.

"Well, call me when you finish your article and we can go to that restaurant you like so much." Suggested Mon-El. They were in front of Kara's building.

"You know how to convince me." She said. "I call you when I'm done!" They got closer and kissed on the lips.


Kara arrived to the DEO with a huge smile on the face. In the central room she found Winn, who was typing so fast, probably fixing something.

"Hi Winn!"

"Hello Kara. How's the big surprise?"

"At the moment I don't think he knows anything. Do you have what I asked you ready?"

"What are these questions? Of course I have it! I've been awake all night finishing it."

"Thank you Winn! I owe you one."

"A big one!" Kara laughed and left her friend typing. She walked through the DEO aisles, thinking about Mon-El's possible reactions.

"By your face, I can tell you're nervous." Alex was in the middle of the aisle, looking at Kara.

"Well, I want everything to be perfect."

"Everything is perfect, Kara! You've worked so hard these last weeks preparing it all. And, as far as I saw, it's awesome."

"Thank you, Alex."

"Before I forgot. I invited Maggie to the party, I hope you don't m..."

"Of course I don't mind, Alex! Maggie is part of the family. I was counting on her."

"Okay. Thank you, Kara! And calm down, it will be perfect."

"Call me if anyone needs me."

"Sure. I'll be training." Alex left and Kara went to the room were the party was going to be taking.

She was all morning preparing everything (even the small details). The good thing about having superpowers was that she could do it faster. She had to save a family from a huge fire that morning too.

She didn't realize what hour was until a call distracted her.

"Hi Mon-El. I was just thinking of you."

"Oh, really?"

"Stop doing the thing you do with your eyebrows."

"How did you kn..."

"I know you enough to know what you do whenever I said something like this." They both smiled unconsciously.

"For you to know. I've stopped it." They smiled again. "Well, I've call you to know if you'd finished your article."

"Right! I've just finished it" She lied.

"Perfect! I pick you up in ten minutes."

"No!" Mon-El was so confused. "I mean, I'm not at CatCo. I had to go to the DEO to solve a problem and I'm there right now. Maybe you can come to the DEO and have lunch here. I can put a blanket on the floor and make it like a picnic.

"You're such a romantic! I'm in. See you in ten minutes."

The party guests (which were almost all the DEO, M'gann, James and Maggie) arrived to the party and waited for Mon-El, who arrived ten minutes later.


"Hi." They didn't kiss because of HR rules. "Everything is ready in our training room."

"They have replaced the door finally?"

"Yep. They changed it two days ago." They were in front of the room. Kara was nervous, Mon-El was happy to have lunch with Kara. The girl of steel opened the door and turned on the lights. Suddenly, human figures appeared between the shadows and they screamed.



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