Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first book so, um I hope you enjoy.

Ashley xoxo

"I'm going out!" Yelled Harry from the door.

"Yeah!" Responded Louis, biting his lip.

Why? Why did he, of all people, have to fall in love with his best mate? Why did he have to be gay? Why did Harry have to be so DAMN PERFECT all the time? It isn't fair.

Louis sighed as he set his tea down on the table and thought about the only thing he thinks about lately: Harry. Bloody Harry. Damn that boy's charms and looks and his big heart. Damn him in the whole! If it wasn't hard enough to pretend his life doesn't hang on Harry now Harry had to get a boyfriend. Honestly, Patrick was a really sweet guy, he loved Harry and they seemed happy. But Louis still hated him.

He had the title Louis wanted to have since the damn X-factor: boyfriend. But that'll never happen now will it? It's just...Harry is so hard not to love.."Ughh!" Louis groaned picking at his cuticles. Why can't things be simple? Why can't Harry just love him back? Why is he so perfect? So many questions. Louis shook his head in a attempt to clear it.

Yeah, it failed.

Tears welled up in his eyes for no apparent reason. Sometimes he cries without even knowing why. But this time he knew why; because Harry was ignoring him, not just him the rest of the lads too, and just running off with Patrick each chance he got. He would exhange a few words during concerts and meet and greets, but even then he was on his phone, texting his boyfriend.

Louis feels like Harry doesn't even care about him anymore. That he doesn't even consider him a friend. That pained Louis more than anything else. It consumed him and ate him out, then spat him back and then all over again. He was so tired. So very tired. Since he fell in love, he cherished his time with Harry, even as friends, now Harry doesn't even bother with anyone anymore. Except Patrick. Ughhh Louis really hates him.

He always looked forward to cuddling Harry and giving him nicknames and just pretending Harry was his for those couple of hours. But there's no more pretending. Louis felt like he was slipping into a dark hole and noone cared enough to pull him out of it. Instead, the one he cared for the most, doesn't spare him a second glance anymore. It was exhausting and Louis optimism was wearing thin.

He wished Harry was there. The old Harry. The only Louis could cuddle up to and call 'Hazzabear.' The one who would say dumb corny jokes and laugh at them. The one who hung out with his mates instead of always running to his boyfriend's feet. He missed that Harry. This Harry now, is distant. And distant isn't good. The boys tried to get Harry to hang out with them but he always declined saying he had plans with Patrick.

Eventually they all just gave up on him and let him be. Louis was crying now remembering all the happy times they spent together.
He sighed and got up from the bed, trotting over to the bathroom to splash some water in his face.

He looked at the mirror and wished he hadn't. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was disheveled and his cheeks were almost unnoticeably sunken in. Louis sneered at his own reflection and dried his face off with a towel. Then he heard the door slam. Harry?

When Louis went into the living room he saw a crying Harry, shaking, leaning on the door, looking completely heartbroken. Louis knew that look. It was the one he had when Harry got together with Patrick.

"Harry?" Louis slowly questioned, not wanting to scare Harry.

"H-he ch-cheated on m-me." Harry stuttered, his breath cutting off now and then from crying and sobbing so much.

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