Chapter 10

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A month and a half have passed since the incident. Louis was seemingly dead since. Everyone knew that only a certain pair of shimmering green eyes can bring him back to life. He barely ate, just so much he wouldn't starve, he barely even sang at concerts at all. The managment let him break it off with Eleanor, for which he was really happy for.

The boys were extremely worried about him, but he shut them off. He just dreamed that Hazza was okay and that he would wake up. That is, if he slept at all. Then, one day, he received a call from the hospital.

"Sir, we have some news regarding the case of Mr.Styles." Said the kind, gentle voice. His heart dropped into his stomach. What if, he couldn't be..

"What is it?" Louis asked, his stomach tightening.

"Come to the hospital." She said and hung up. Louis sighed, sent out texts informing the boys and went down to the hospital. As soon as he was there, he asked for the room where Harry Styles was staying. They directed him and he hurried there. He was in front of the door now. He clutched the door handle tightly, twisted it, then opened the door fully.

He froze. His mind stopped working. His heart sped up. Harry...was..awake. He was sitting up and when he heard the door open he looked over to see Louis with those damned emerald eyes that Louis couldn't live without.

"Haz.." Louis whispered, and walked over to the bed, Harry said nothing to him.

"Hello Louis." He said, it sounded cold.

"Trust me, I have a very good explanation." Louis said and Harry looked at him with eyebrows raised, urging him to go on.

Louis sighed deeply, and explained everything to Harry who was listening.

"That sounds like bull." Harry stated when Louis was done explaining. "But, since your eyes look sincere, I choose to believe you." Louis was relieved that Harry believed him. He just wanted to hug him and tell him how sorry he was and how much he loved him. Because it was true.

"Haz, I am so sorry, and I'm begging you to forgive me and please trust me when I say I love you so much, heck I'm gay for you only, you're My Other Half."
Louis begged and pleaded. Harry looked unsure.

"I need to think about that Louis. No matter how valid the reason may be, you still cheated and nothing can change that." Harry said, honestly. He did need to think.

"Well, I guess that's fair." Louis said. He wanted Hazza back but these kind of things aren't easy to get over. But Louis really wanted to hug Harry and he was barely holding himself back. Harry apparently noticed Louis discomfort and he chuckled.

Louis looked at him: "What?"
"You know you can hug me right?" Harry said, smiling that dimpled smile. That's all it took. Louis lept over the bed and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck grasping onto him as tight as he could. Harry hugged back and they stayed like that for a while until a lot of 'awws' broke them apart.

They looked towards the door and saw Niall, Liam and Zayn staring at them with heart eyes. They pulled back and the rest of the boys jumped on Harry to hug him and he hugged them all back. Niall then outright slapped Harry across the face. They all gaped.

"Well...I guess I deserved that..." Harry mumbled rubbing his cheek, and now Louis felt like shit since he was the sole reasong Harry did what he did.

"DAMN RIGHT YOU DID! IDIOT! BLOODY IDIOT! YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK!" Niall was half-yelling. This was a hospital after all.

"I'm sorry, guys." Harry said and smiled apologetically.


"Niall, cut him some slack. The poor guy's been through so much." Liam shot Louis a sharp glare as he said that.

"You're right. I'm sorry Haz." Niall said and sighed. Harry smiled, saying he forgave him.

"So, did I really turn Liam and Zayn gay with my little dare?" Harry asked, a smirk on his face.

Zayn and Liam discreetly glanced at each other and blushed. "You could say that." Zayn spoke up. Harry's eyes lit up and he squealed. So manly, wasn't he?

"Yay. I got you guys together." Zayn and Liam laughed a little.

Then the nurse came in saying: "He's free to go guys, he only has to get his stuff and he's off." The nurse said and left.

"Bout time." Harry snickered. Louis was silent all the time, he was feeling really guilty. And sad. He thought Harry would never forgive him for what'd he done.

"Lou? Louis?" Someone called his name. His head snapped up to see Harry waving his hand in front of Louis' face. "You there?"

"Uh...yeah..m'fine." Louis tried to lie, but...

"Yeah, and I'm a fucking fairy." Harry shot back and snorted.

"You are though." Louis teased.

"How dare you say that?" Harry played along.

"What kind of man squeals?" Louis poked Harry's arm.

"I do. You love it." Harry said, acting goofy as usual. He was gonna think about serious love stuff later.

Louis blushed because he really loved it. A lot.

"Got ya." Harry said, collecting the last of his stuff, before quickly changing and then he left, Louis following behind.

Ahead of them they saw Liam and Zayn, their hands and fingers intertwined, Zayn's head on Liam's shoulder and they both yelled at the same time: "EWW! PDA YOU GUYS!" Niall started laughing and Zayn gave them the finger. Harry gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his chest. Louis was laughing his cute bum off and Niall was steadying himself with a wall, so as to not topple over.

They continued walking, in silence, and Harry was thinking:

Should I forgive him? I sort of might already done that.

Should I leave him? Well, I wouldn't live through it myself so...

Do I love him? Bloody fuck yes...

So am I giving him a second chance? Yes.

I am ashamed of the length of this chapter. ASHAMED. On a brighter side, what do you think about this story? I haven't gotten any reads and that saddened me, but I love writing this, so I'm not gonna stop from the lack of feedback. Though feedback would be nice...well that's not up to me..and that is it for this chapter...bye my teddies -Ashley xoxo

My Other Half (Larry/Ziam) ✔Where stories live. Discover now