Chapter 6

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Harry was in the hospital, anxiously waiting for some news from the doctor. When the doctor came out, Harry stood and walked over to him.

"Is he okay?" Harry asked, very much worried.

"Oh sir, it was nothing, just a smaller impact, you didn't have to worry or bring him here. He's fine and awake, as a matter of fact, he can leave right now. I already wrote him a slip." The doctor said and went away.

Harry felt relief wash over him, he walked into Louis room, who, of course wasn't sitting still, he was pacing around the room.

"How did you fall?" Harry asked him sweetly.

"Um..I guess I just tripped over my own feet, something you're supposed to do." Louis laughed and Harry rolled his eyes, even though he was immencely glad Louis was ok.

He picked up his stuff and they left the hospital to go home.

----15 minutes later----

Louis was scrolling through Twitter and he found a bunch of Larry proof and Larry tweets, he was overjoyed. He just wanted to confirm it already, but he knew he couldn't. Then he got a message, it was from Modest. He gulped and prooceded to read it:

It has come to our attention that there have been alot of 'Larry Stylinson' on Twitter. Therefore, you will post the following tweet:

How's this? Larry is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard of. I'm happy why can't you accept that?

And, you need to get yourself a girlfriend as a beard. Her name is Eleanor and you will go out in public with her tomorrow. That is it.

Louis gulped. He didn't want to do that, but if the managment orders something, they have to comply, whether they like it or not. So he went on Twitter, swallowed the lump in his throat and typed out the tweet and hit enter. He didn't want any of this.

Louis wanted to cry. Harry was on Twitter also, then he saw Lou has posted something. He clicked it and wished he didn't. He read it and his heart broke. Tears welled up in his eyes. Does...does this mean that Louis would hate him if he told the truth. Does this mean he'll have to hide his feelings forever? Harry would burst eventually. He was scared now, Louis would end their friendship that's for sure.

No, Harry can never admit to his feelings. Not now. Not when he saw Louis opinion on Larry. Tears started flowing down his cheeks and he heard a gasp. His head shot up to see Louis, with a sad expression on his face. "Haz..are you..are you crying?" Louis whispered. 

Harry just stared blankly at him and then just ran out the door. He needed some relief from it all. He ran and ran until he found this little private spot where he could be alone. He kept staring at the screen, at the tweet that changes everything. His pain was still rising through his chest and was pounding in his head. "Aagh!" He yelled out in frustration, it helped a little.

"Are you Harry Styles?" He heard a quiet voice behind him. He turned and saw a cute girl standing there. Harry just nodded silently.

"Are you okay?" She asked, she sounded caring. That was new.

"Well, no." Harry whispered.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked.

"I..can't tell you..." Haz whispered.

"I'm Alexa. And trust me, you can. I love all of you guys, I don't have a Twitter account so I can't really tell anyone." She assured him, and sat next to him.

"Are..are you sure?" Harry asked, it was probably dumb, but he needed to tell someone. Alexa nodded and looked at him, indicating that she's listening.

My Other Half (Larry/Ziam) ✔Where stories live. Discover now