Chapter 15

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The nurse walked in the room and smiled when she saw the sleeping boys. It was such a heartwarming sight. They ran the tests and Mr.Styles was all good to go. She didn't want to wake them up, so she just scribbled a note and left it in the table next to the bed.

"Young love.." She whispered and exited the room. Not even half an hour later, Harry woke up. He felt weight on him and looked down, only to see Louis curled and cuddled up into him. He smiled fondly and saw a piece of paper on the table. He reached for it and read the note.

Didn't want to wake you boys up. Mr.Styles you're all good to go. You're free to leave whenever you choose.

That nurse was sweet. He gently shook Louis: "Lou, wake up." Harry whispered.

"No." Louis murmured.

"Come on." Harry whispered again, thinking about how to wake him up. Then an idea popped into his head.

"No." Louis mumbled again. Harry then said in a serious voice:

"If you don't wake up now, I'm breaking up with you."

Louis literally jumped off of Harry, of the bed and onto his feet in a matter of milliseconds. Harry was really shocked at first and then started laughing. He had no idea he meant so much to Louis though.

"Dick. I had a heart attack. I thought you'd leave me.." Louis huffed.

"Aww! You love me after all!" Harry joked but Louis head snapped up in his direction so quickly, he could've gotten whiplash. He narrowed his eyes at Harry.

"Woah! I. Was. Kidding. Please don't kill me." Harry raised his hands up in surrender.

"Good. Because you have no goddamn idea." Louis grumbled.

"I have no idea of what?" Harry asked, having a slighest idea but he wanted to hear Louis say it. He's a dick, yeah.

"How much I actually love you you dick." Louis said.

"Well thanks." Harry said sarcastically as he got up and hissed a little at the pain of his leg. He remembered what the nurse said 'Dont put too much pressure onto it.' So he limped over to Louis and wrapped his arm around his waist and put his head on Lou's shoulder, who literally relaxed the second Harry touched him.

"I'm free to go whenever I want."

"Awesome. Let's get your stuff then." But Harry wasn't letting go.

"But you're warm." He whined.

"Yeah so are you, but I don't want to stay in this hospital forever." Louis whispered and Harry let him go. They picked up Harry's stuff and went home. As soon as they were home, Louis asks the question he really wanted to ask:

"What hapenned..that..night?" Harry looked up at him, then started explaining:

"I went into the room and closed the door. There was someone behind it and he stuck a chloroform soaked tissue over my mouth and nose and knocked me out..And after that, I came to in a warehouse and then I saw Eleanor. She looked evil. That's when beatings began. Hers weren't as bad as those from the big gu---" Harry didn't finish as a body crashed into his. A crying body. Harry registered it was Louis and wrapped his arms around the boy.

"I-I'm s-so sorry's m-my fault...I c-could've lost you..and w-we both know I c-can't live wi-without y-you." Louis sobbed and Harry smiled sadly.

"How the fuck is it your fault that she is a psycho bitch?" Harry asked him, peeved.

"If I hadn't..slept..with...her..and then broken..up..she wouldn't...have.." Louis choked.

"None of that is your fault, geez Lou." Harry assured him. Why would he think it was his fault anyways?

"You mean it?" Louis looked with hopeful blue eyes. Harry smiled warmly.

"Yes of course I do." He pushed Louis aside and stepped over to the couch and sat down. Louis immediately followed, jumping on the couch, yelling: "CUDDLES!"

Harry busted out laughing, how childish is he?

"What makes you think I'm gonna cuddle you huh?" Harry teased while Louis was crawling over to him.

"Because you're madly in love with me." Louis played along.

"As if."

"Uh huh." And then Louis crawled under Harry's arm and settled there. They were watching telly, and Louis fell asleep on Harry once again. Harry was dozing off but when Louis screamed and jumped up and Harry did too.

"HAARRY!!!" Louis gasped and jumped up.

"Lou!" Harry shrieked, trying to calm down his heart. Louis turned to him, tears streamind down his face and his breathing uneven.

"Lou, I'm right here, it's okay what hapenned?" Harry whispered, rubbing Lou's back to calm him down.

"Nightmare." Louis said.

"Wanna talk about it?" Harry whispered, soothingly.

"No....yes..." Louis choked out.

"Well...I'm listening.." Harry urged Lou to continue.

"I was at the hospital, next to your bed and the monitor that showed your heartbeat and then it started slowing down, stopped..." Louis explained, fresh tears collecting in his eyes.

"Oh Lou..." Harry hugged him and brought him closer to him. Louis leaned into him. "I'm here Lou...I'm alive and well..." His jaw stung a little, but he didn't care about that.

"Wanna try and get some sleep?" Harry asked, when Louis crying calmed down. He nodded and Harry kissed the top of his head, before getting off the couch, picking Louis up bridal style and carrying him to his room. He put him in the bed and tucked him, but when he turned to leave, a hand gripped his wrist.


"Yeah Lou?"

"Please, sleep with me tonight..So I know you're okay.." Louis begged in whispers.

"Alright." Harry agreed, and laid in the bed pulling Louis so his back was against his chest. They slept peacefully that night.

The next morning, Louis woke up and felt a body behind him. Je turned around and saw Harry, sleeping peacefully, lips parted and soft snores leaving his mouth. He looked so cute. Louis remembered last night and he sighed. Then Harry's eyes opened, and when he saw Louis staring lovingly at him he smirked.

"What a sight to wake up to. Your creepy boyfriend staring at you." That word took them both off guard. Then Louis' smile widened. Harry was confused.

"What?" Haz asked, hoping it was okay to say that word.

"YOU CONSIDER ME YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Louis cheered. Was he that insecure?

"Why would I not?" Harry asked him.

"Well you know, cheating, pills, getting beat up and even shot..." Louis trailed off, guilt clear as day in his voice.

Did he think it was all his fault? God this boy..

"Louis William Tomlinson, listen to me. Cheating-you were forced, Pills-my dumbass decision, Getting beat up and shot-psycho girl. Is there anywhere your name?" Harry asked in a serious tone.

"No." Louis responded.

"Then stop saying it's your damn fault!!" Harry said louder. Louis was searching Haz's eyes for any trace of lying. None.

"Alright." Louis confirmed. He let the guilt go. It was a relief.

"Good." Harry said and leaned forward to kiss Louis. Said boy welcomed his lips eagerly and it was just a closed-mouth kiss, but it was beautiful. Soon Harry pulled back, and Louis looked dazed. Harry smiled at him, before getting up, realising he was still clothed so he just threw his clothes everywhere until he was in his tight boxers.

Louis wolf whistled at him and Harry rolled his eyes and went to into the kitchen to make breakfast. Things were looking up again, his jaw didn't hurt as much, neither did his leg, he was good. In a couple of days, he was sure he could perform again. It was going great so far....

Or was it?

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