Chapter 13

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Right now, Louis was in the hospital, awaiting news from the doctors regarding Harry.

How was someone able to do that, he didn't know and cared not to. He just wanted Harry to be okay and that was it. Then the doctor came out of Harry's room and Louis stood up, growing anxious.

"Is he going to be alright?" Louis asked.

"Well, the severity of his injuries is great and he lost a lot of blood during whatever hapenned to him. He has about 20% that he'll live from blood loss." The doctor wrapped up his story and Louis mind stopped for a sec.

"Don't lose hope, some people with chances far less have made it." The doctor gave a small smile and walked away, leaving Louis to collapse into the waiting chair. Tears started welling up in his eyes and he felt sick. Harry's chances of survival are so low, he might as well be dead already.

No, no, no, no! His head was screaming and it spun a little. Louis couldn't bare to be in that hospital any longer so he just ran out, to his car, dialed Liam and soon said boy picked up. When he heard sobs, he immediately thought the worst.

"Lou, what hapenned?" Liam said softly.

"He..he..has a 2-20% ch-chance of making it o-out al-alive..." Louis stuttered, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"What?! Oh my god, Lou come over, I'll call Niall." Liam breathed out as tears collected in his own eyes at the low chances Harry has of getting out alive. He hung up with Louis and then proceeded to call the blondie.

A couple of minutes later, a crying Louis burst through the door of Liam's and Zayn's shared flat. He seemed to cry alot lately. He found Zayn pacing the room and Liam crying himself. They looked at him when he entered and Zayn just opened his arm a little for Louis, who collapsed straight into them. He was sobbing and whimpering and was a complete mess.

"I...can't lose him Ze.." Louis cried. Zayn was rubbing Louis back and whispering 'shh' and 'it's gonna be okay' even though his eyes were searching Liam's for comfort and reassurance. Then came Niall who was a little more composed, but he was crying as well.

After about 5 minutes, Louis calmed down (barely) and they sat on the couch talking about what the doctor said to Louis.

"He said Harry had 20% of making it out alive from bloodloss...then he added that we shouldn't lose hope as apparently, people with less chances have made it out." Louis explained.

"Well, that sounds sort of good." Niall said meekly.

"Guys, you know we have to continue with tours and concerts, the managment can't postpone anything anymore." Liam said, seriously.

"But Harry--" Louis started, his voice louder than before.

"I know Louis, but we'll just have to do without him until he gets better." Liam sighed. He said the last bit for Louis' sake. Everyone nodded in understanding even though nobody wanted to do that.


At the hospital, a certain curly headed lad was slowly giving up on life, but the doctor was having none of it. They grabbed tasers and one of the nurses yelled:


Harry's body jerked up as a shot of electricity spread through it.



Jerk. Nothing


Jerk. Heartbeat. The nurses sighed and the doctor smiled, happy to save a life. They hooked him up to IV's and tubes that would bring liquid into his body, since he lost quite a bit. His chances of survival were growing, and the doctor immediately called Louis to inform him of the good news.

"Hello?" A hoarse, cracked voice said.

"Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles chances of survival have increased to 40%." The doctor said as he heard a gasp.

"Thank you.." A small voice whispered and the line was cut off.


"GUYS! HIS CHANCES ARE INCREASING! NOW HE HAS 40% OF SURVIVING!" Louis yelled when he hung up. Everyone cheered and did a group hug.

"I called it! He'll be fine!" Zayn cheered and everyone laughed. Even Louis.

Tomorrow, they had an interview and noone looked forward to it. Not without Haz. The public hadn't yet found out about what hapenned, and they had to explain it. Except, they won't exactly be telling the truth.

He got into a car accident and was badly injured.

Louis scoffed at that lie. What really hapenned was much more terrifying. But the media couldn't find out of course. It was bad for publicity. So they were waiting to be called up for the interview. Finally they were, and they walked out, smiling briefly before sitting on the sofa.

Interviewer's eyebrows furrowed.

"Boys..where's Harry?" She asked, and the audience seemed keen on knowing too.

"He..he had a car accident..he was badly injured..." Liam answered. The interviewer gasped and then they heard a lot of sobs from the audience. They looked over and saw people crying from new information. Louis looked at them sympathetically, he knew how it felt.

"Oh he recovering?" The interviewer asked, actual care lacing her voice.

"They said he could make it." Niall answered.

"Well..that's great. How are you lads coping with it?" She asked yet again, and Louis reminded himself that for the public and managment they were just friends.

"It's tough and we're worried but we're dealing with it." Zayn responded.

"All the best wishes to Harry. Now some fans have some questions." The interviewer announced and the audience clapped. She picked a random girl that stood up.

"Louis, you look a little disheveled, how are you coping with Harry's accident?"

Well that was unexpected.

"'s tough but like Zayn said, I'm managing. Why'd you ask?" Louis said, why of all the boys did she pick him to ask about Harry.

"Because everyone can see you two are in love with each other so I'm positive his accident hit you the hardest." She said and Louis eyes widened. The girl sat down and Louis looked at Liam, who had the same expression. How the hell do their fans know this? Well there is that Larry Stylinson thing, which is real, but this girl was so confident about them being in love, which they are...Louis decided to look it up later.

The interview was soon finished after a couple more questions from fans and the boys had the rest off. As soon as Louis got home he opened YouTube and searched Larry Stylinson. A bunch of videos popped up and he clicked on the first one. It was called:

Top 30 Iconic Larry Moments.

Louis was watching and then started blushing, and then started blushing madly. It was so obvious in this video. Funny thing, Louis was so unsure of his feelings back then but their fans did. Louis kept watching and then a picture showed up on the screen which made him do a double take.

 Louis kept watching and then a picture showed up on the screen which made him do a double take

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Okay, everyone who thinks they're in love is justified. I mean come on, who looks at their best mate like that?

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