Chapter 12

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After the boys had left Harry decided to just go to bed. He went into his room and shut his door. Louis was still awake, still happy that Harry has forgiven him and even given him a second chance. After some time he went into his own room and fell asleep.


Zayn couldn't deny it. He was a little jelaous that Liam payed more attention to Niall than him. They've been dating 4 months now and so far, everything's been good between them. But then Liam started hanging out with Niall a lot and it was getting Zayn a tad jelaous.

"Hey babe." He heard Liam say when he got in their shared flat.

"Hi." Zayn grumbled.

"What's wrong Ze?" Liam asked sitting next to him on the couch, concerned.

"Nothing.." Zayn tried. And failed.

"Bull. Come on, tell me." Liam prodded. He wanted to know what was up with his boyfriend.

"You've been hanging out with Niall a lot lately is all..." Zayn muttered quietly feeling like a little kid. Liam smiled fondly: "Aww, were you jelaous? No need to be, I wouldn't leave you for that leprechaun in a million years." Liam assured Zayn and that made him feel better.

"Promise?" Zayn asked, now really being a kid.

"Promise." Liam assured and kissed Zayn gently. Ze kissed back and it was just love.


Next morning Harry wasn't in his room. In fact he was nowhere to be found, Louis tried calling his cell but it always went to voicemall. Louis was really worried now, what if something hapenned to him? He called all the boys and informed them that Harry is missing.

They all went down to his place in panic and noone had the slightest clue what hapenned or where he was. They searched some hospitals and bars, he wasn't there. They called the managment and informed them about their situation and they postponed their concerts 2 weeks. They had to find him in those 2 weeks.

Louis was biting his nails, pulling on his hair thinking where could Harry be. Then a thought came to his mind.


She better didn't. He quickly called her. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hello Louis." She said in an icy tone.

"What have you done to him?!" Louis yelled.

"Who?" She asked again in a teasing tone.

"HARRY! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!" Louis yelled, his patience giving up.

"Ouh, well he's breathing, for now..but if the guys don't stop the beatings he might stop." She teased again and Louis gripped his phone tightly.

"Where. Is. He?!" Louis growled.

"Guess." Eleanor taunted him.

"I swear to God, if you don't tell me!" Louis hissed through the phone.

"Or what? You'll come and kill me? You don't even know where we are." Eleanor teased yet again.

A thought came to Louis mind and he smirked, but played along to El's game, not wanting to give anything away.

"You're right. Too bad I guess. Bye El." He hung up.

"BOYS! DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO TRACK A CELL FROM THE PHONE NUMBER?!!" He screamed so everyone could hear him.

"I can try!" Niall yelled. They tried and it worked, now they knew where Harry was kept. It was at the edge of London, in an old warehouse. They scrambled into the car and drove there as fast as they could. When they got there it seemed empty. But they knew better.

They snuck inside, thankfull there weren't any cameras. They heard muffled cries from somehwere and Louis recognized them. Harry. Then they heard a female voice.

"Faggot." All of them flinched at the word as they remained hidden. Then they heard a heel hit somehing soft and more whimpers.

Louis eyes watered up and he just wanted to jump in there and beat the hell out of the bitch. But something stopped him. The sound of a gun clicking. All of the boys eyes widened. They all sprung from their hiding place and ran towards the direction of the gun.

"Well, I guess your boyfriend gave up on you. You know, he's good in bed." Eleanor continued and the boys froze in front of the door, especially Louis.

"Actually you know what, he's a beast. He doesn't even like you, ya know fag?" She continued speaking.

"He's just confused. But it doesn't matter anymore, because you will die here on this cold floor, you pathetic excuse of a human being." She taunted and they heard Harry's silent cries.

"Actually...... I'll have fun with you. Why not?" She spoke up merrily.

Gun shot. Scream.

Louis jumped in there and kicked Eleanor so hard in the back from behind that she toppled over. The other boys did too, kicking the gun away from her, and pinning her down. Louis looked over at Harry and fell to his knees. Harry had a bleeding leg, his flesh torn where the bullet entered it. His face was in cuts and bruises and he was whimpering quietly, eyes only lighting up slightly when he saw the boys.

"Harry..." Louis whispered getting closer to him. Harry's jaw seemed to be broken so he couldn't speak. Louis crawled to him and whispered:

"Don't believe what that bitch said, those are all lies, I love you Harry, you and you only. Please believe me." Harry looked up at him and believed him. He knew that all the time. Louis slowly picked him up and Zayn knocked El out and called the police. Then they waited. Everybody had tears in their eyes when they saw Harry's condition in Louis arms.

"I can't believe someone is able to do this.." Niall whispered, looking caringly at his passed out best mate.

"Me neither." Zayn added and Louis just held Harry, who was knocked out from the pain in his arms, he held him tight.

Liam was staring at a knocked out Eleanor with so much hate that he was practically smothering her with his eyes. Zayn put his hand on Liam's shoulder trying to calm him. Soon the police and ambulance arrived and arrested everyone in the warehouse, that were involved with Eleanor Calder.

Then the ambulance took Harry in and they left. The boys went home and they were all sulking, trying to comfort each other, but mostly Louis who had an image of almost dead Harry in his head.

"He is gonna be fine Lou." Niall told him.

"But what if he's not?!" Louis yelled, hot tears streaming down his face.

"He will." Liam tried to assure him.

Louis really prayed that they were right. That Hazza will really be okay. He had to be. Louis was tired, everyone were. They all passed out next to each other and tried to rest after the latest experience.

Sorry it's so short. Bye my teddies.      -Ashley xoxo

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