Chapter 19

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He gave in. He shouldn't have given in, but come on, those puppy eyes are hard to resist. Or was Louis weak? Well that's not important, because now they're falling...

"AAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!" Louis screamed. Fucking roller coasters. How did Niall coax him into going he doesn't know. Oh wait, he does...damn your round baby blue eyes Niall. Niall seemed to be having fun, so atleast someone is.

Soon the ride came to an end. Louis couldn't be more thankful.

"Christ Niall.." Louis breathed heavily and stepped out of the cart.

"That was fun." Niall stated. Louis couldn't believe him. His phone rang and it was Liam.

"Hey Li."

"Hi. We're being let off in 3 days!"

"That's great guys. Now, if you'll excuse me, Niall took me to an amusement park and---" He was cut off by a bile going up his throat. He ran to a trashcan and emptied his stomach. Nasty. When he was done, he discreetly wiped his mouth with his sleeve and continued talking to Liam.

"And there's that." He concluded.

"Well, are you really gonna ask Harry the question?"

"Well, I..uhm..I..I don't know. I didn't think about it. Should I?" Louis asked. I mean, not like he saw himself with anybody else but Harry, actually he didn't even see hapiness without Harry...

"Definitely. He'll say yes in an instant. Don't make this the repeat of you two getting together." Liam joked, and Louis laughed remembering how stubborn he was.

"Well..I mean..I'll think about it." Louis assurred. He was gonna really think about it. It's a big step but if it's with Harry, he's very willing to commit. Well, he's gonna do it. He is going to propose to Harry. Let's just hope he says yes.

"NIALL!" Louis roared, Niall appeared next to him right away.


"Help me find a ring." Louis stated matter of factly. Niall jumped on him then.

"Woah!" Louis yelled holding the blondie so he wouldn't fall.

"CONGRATSSS!!!" Niall screamed.

"Thanks man. Now, the ring." Louis smiled and put Niall down.


Half an hour later Louis had a ring and no idea how he is going to propose.

"How should I do it?" Louis asked Niall.

"Well, just take him out to dinner or something." Niall shrugged.

"Yeah, but I want it to be special." Louis admitted.

"Well, do you not think it'll be special enough to him that you're proposing?" Niall raised an eyebrow.

" have a point.." Louis said and decided to just take Harry out to dinner and then propose at the end.

Soon he was home and Harry was chilling on the couch, as usual when they had free time.
Well, that was the guy he wants to spend the rest of his life with. That is, if he wants it too.

"Hi Lou." He greeted.

"H-Hey Haz." Louis nervously greeted. That damn velvet box was burning holes in his pocket.

"Soo Harry, do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked confidently. Harry looked at him oddly then nodded.

"Sure. When?"

"19h." Louis said.

"That's in...30 MINUTES?! LOUU! WHEN AM I GOING TO GET READY?!" Harry panicked.

My Other Half (Larry/Ziam) ✔Where stories live. Discover now