Chapter 18

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Thanks to all 104 people who read this. And I keep getting more reads all the time. OMMGG!!! I am really thankful to you. Love you all! xoxo

Please don't hate me now. XD

Louis quickly called 911, and as soon as the call connected he whispered.

"Eleanor Calder broke into my home..."

"Alright sir; give me your adress and I'll send a patrol there right now." He did. He hung up. Then Eleanor found them. She had a knife. Fuck.

"YOU SENT ME INTO PRISON! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" She got closer until she was arm-lentgh away. She raised the knife and swung her hand downwards and Louis closed his eyes, preparing for the pain, pushing further into Harry's chest when he heard a gasp.

He peeled his eyes open and saw blood. Then Harry's arm. Then a knife that went right through his arm. Then he looked back at Harry who had tears and anger in his eyes.

"Don't you DARE touch him!" Harry hissed, when Eleanor pulled the knife out of his arm. He pushed past Louis, and started pushing Eleanor back away from him. Okay, fuck. Harry was one of the scariest ones when angry and right now, he was fuming.

"Let me go!" Eleanor screamed and started kicking at Harry. He grabbed her leg with his healthy arm and pulled it, as best as he could. Eleanor shrieked and fell to the ground. Harry quickly sat on her, preventing her from moving too much.

"Get. Off." She hissed.

"Or what?" Harry did too. Angry Harry is Scary Harry. She just glared and tried to squirm out from him but he stayed still as a statue. Then there was a slap.

"That's for shooting me and kidnapping me."


"That's for forcing Louis into bed with you."


"And that's for putting me in 2 comas and making Loubear worry." Harry kept hissing. Louis just stared, dumbfounded. He knew Harry was strong and scary if angered but this was a whole new level. Police came, they took Eleanor away. When they left Harry scrambled for the bathroom and took out the first-aid kit.

Louis rushed after him and saw him ripping off his shirt and when he saw the wound he gasped in terror. That must hurt like a bitch. Harry applied anti-bacterial spray, something so the wound wouldn't get infected then he wrapped his arm in a bandage. The whole time Louis was staring. When he was done Harry looked at him and chuckled.

"What?" Louis asked, looking at Harry.

"The things I do for you." Harry chuckled dryly but Louis looked down. He hated that Haz suffered so much because of him.

"I-I'm sorry..." Louis said quietly.

"I'm not mad, I was joking. Don't take it to the heart, geez." Harry said and stood up. He walked into the kitchen and looked at the shaterred glass. Haz tsked and started cleaning up but then small hands took the dustpan and brush from his hands. He looked up to see Louis with a small smile.

"'s the least I can do." Louis said and took the dustpan, pushing Harry away. Harry grinned and kissed his cheek, letting his lips linger for a moment.

"Thanks babe." He said and stood up. Louis smiled widely at the pet name, he was sure it was creepy, but he didn't care.

When he was finally done he went into the living room and he found Harry watching TV.

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