Chapter 5

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You better be grateful, I'm staying up until 4 A.M to write you this XD. Enjoy.

Louis walked into his house, still annoyed his friends weren't telling him this big important thing. It wasn't fair. Harry walked out of his room and greeted him: "Hey Lou." "Hi." Louis said simply and went to the bathroom. Everything was so complicated right now. He was hopelessly in love with Harry, his friends were keeping secrets, and Harry didn't feel the same.

That last bit stung. Ughh. He did his business, washed his hands and walked out to find Harry writing something in a small book. "What's that?" Lou said plopping down on the couch.

"Oh, my diary." Harry said simply. "I can write how I feel and stuff." He finished. "Oh okay, but why can't you talk to me 'bout it?" Louis asked, really he was his best mate, they should be able to talk. Harry looked up at him, and his eyes were showing regret. He bit his lip and said simply: "Well...I just can't." "Okay." Louis didn't want to push him.

Then Louis' phone rang, he answered it and it was Liam. "Hey Lou."

"Hi, Li."

"We have a concert in 5 days, Simon arranged it for us, so you pass the news to Harry and for the love of Pete, ask him out already!" Liam said over the phone.

"Liam!" Louis whisper-yelled. "I'm not asking anyone out! Geez."

"Fine fine...whatever you want. Well, start picking out some songs and stuff. Bye."


They hung up. Wait, is Louis crushing on someone, is it too late? Not that Harry planned on confessing anytime soon but, does it mean Louis will be taken? Shit...welp I guess it's too late for anything now. That sucks. Harry's heart hurt.

"Harry?" Louis snapped him out of it.

"Yeah?" Harry said, trying to sound composed.

"Simon arranged a concert in 5 days..we should pick songs and stuff.." Louis said, picking up on Harry's slight change of behaviour.

"Ouh cool. How long have we been on break anyways?" Harry asked, getting excited over the concert.

"3 weeks." Louis said, counting in his head.

"I missed the crazy ass fans." Harry said. He loved the fans, everyone did, they were the best people ever.

"Me too. They're some crazy, sweet mother effers." Louis joked, their fans were the best ever.

"Yup." Harry said, momentarily forgetting this person Louis was crushing on. God, if he knew...

"What songs are we gonna sing?" Harry asked then.

"Um..dunno...wait a sec." Louis dialed Liam.

"Yes?" Liam said.

"What's the theme of the concert? What kind of songs should we pick?"

"Simon said it would something cheezy, like, hidden love or something like that." Louis gulped. Hidden love. He stole a glance at Harry and then spoke up again: "So, cheezy songs huh?"

"Pretty much." Liam chuckled, then hung up.

"Okay, we need cheezy songs."

"Be more specific?" Harry said.

"Well the theme will be something like hidden love or something like that."

Harry stiffened a bit. Sound familiar? Definitely.

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