Chapter 9

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"Louis." Liam hissed.

"What?!" Louis snapped.

"Stop acting like you actually care." Liam spat. Louis couldn't believe this. They didn't even know what hapenned for Christ's Sake!

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPENNED!" Louis yelled, frustrated.

"THEN TELL US!" Niall screamed at him.

"I FUCKING CAN'T. I WANT TO BUT I CAN'T!" Louis shot back. They fell silent, thankfully and unthanlfully.

Thankfully, because they wouldn't make him feel worse than he already does.

Unthankfully, because now his mind can drift to Hazza. He might not see him again. Never. No, that is unbearable. If it happens, Louis is downing a bottle of sleeping pills himself so he can be in a coma with the guy he was madly in love with.

They were currently at the hospital and noone payed him any mind, seeing as they didn't know the reason why he'd done what he'd done. Then the doctor walked out of Harry's room. They all jumped up and he slowly approached them.

"Boys; I'm afraid the little pill specs in his bloodstream were too much...he fell into a coma." The doctor sighed and the world stopped for the four boys. Their best mate, Louis' love fell into a coma.

"Good news is that the specs are drawn out by washing out his stomach, so there is a slight chance he wakes up." Louis trembled.

"Slight?!" Louis yelled.

"The pills have stilled his body, completely, soon the brain and the heart will be tricked into thinking that he is dead so they will automatically stop working as well." The doctor explained, and Lous collapsed on the floor, crying, alongside Niall who was sniffling, while Zayn was sobbing into Liam's shoulder, Liam whispering soothing words even though he was breaking as well.

"Prepare yourselves for the worst, boys." The doctor said and disappeared.

Niall didn't even care how mad he was at Louis, the older boy needed someone, anyone, to at least try to comfort him. So Niall scooted closer and wrapped his arm around Louis shoulders, said boy only crying harder and leaning into Niall.

Harry could die. It rang in Louis' ears. The words he didn't want to believe, the words his heart couldn't bare.

"He..he's strong..he'll make it..." Niall said, sounding unsure of his own words. Louis said nothing, just kept crying.

"Ze, look at me.." Liam whispered at Zayn, who was still sobbing into his shirt. The raven haired boy looked up. "Babe, you know how stuborrn Haz is. He'll tough it out." Liam tried to assure Zayn, but swallowed his tears at the thought of his best mate dying.

Zayn said nothing, he hated crying in front of anyone, but he felt it was okay to do it in front of Liam, since he was his boyfriend.

Niall was devastated thinking he would lose Harry, he was like a little brother to him. But he knew that was nothing compared to what Louis was feeling.

"Why did" Niall gulped. Louis loved Harry more than his own life, he had to have a valid reason.

" him..and you guys..if I...didn't her..she showed me a gun...and pictures of Harry...walking around and stuff...she knew it all and..I..couldn't.." Louis didn't finish, instead he gripped Niall's shirt and cried even more. Niall's eyes widened.

"Why didn't you call the police or us or heck even the managment?" Niall questioned, sorrow filling him.

"She put..a bug on know..what I'm doing...and saying..." Louis sobbed further. Niall was baffled, El seemed like such a sweet girl he never thought she would be a bitch.

"I understand Lou." Niall stated and got off the floor to tell Zayn and Liam everything. They were as shocked as he was. They kneeled next to Louis.

"Mate, why didn't you say earlier?" Zayn asked concerned.

"I..I..was..scared..she" Louis managed to choke out. His chest was constricting and his breaths were short and raspy from crying.

"Lou, you need to calm down." Liam whispered. Louis nodded, but tears didn't stop flowing. At all.

Louis then stood up and wiped his tears.

"There you go." Liam said, smiling sadly. Zayn was feeling a bit guilty for snapping at Louis earlier, but Louis didn't say anything now did he? Niall then jumped up and dug around his pocket for something.

When he found it, he pulled it out and gave it to Louis. It was a note.

"I found this next to...Harry..I've forgotten about it till now, but here you go." Niall said and backed up.

"Thanks." Louis mumbled. He unfolded the note and started reading to himself.

Thanks for cheating Lou. I appreciate it. Well, you know, I guess it was nice while it lasted. A couple of weeks. I was actually happy. How hard I fell for you, and how much this hurts me is proven in me taking a long rest. Forever. You'd be suprised how much sleeping pills Niall actually has. If this doesn't take me, there are always other methods, right? If I end up living however, you explain why you cheated and then I'm out. Out of this relationship, the band, the carreer, everything. I'm not overreacting trust me. Hope this person treats you well and know I will never let anyone else love me. You ruined love for me Louis. Well, that's all you need to hear from a dead man.      All the love, H.

Louis was shaking by the end of the note. He dropped it and ran out of the hospital and didn't care where he went. The boys picked the note up and chased after him.

"LOUIS!" Niall.

"WAIT!" Liam.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON STOP RIGHT NOW!" Zayn's commanding, honestly terrifying voice boomed and Louis stopped.

They walked over to him and proceeded to read the note for themselves. Niall was crying again, so was Zayn and Liam was shaking, trying to hold back his tears. Louis still couldn't breathe normally.

"You fucking messed up!" Niall yelled and shook Louis.

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW I LOST THE OTHER HALF OF MY HEART NIALL?!" Louis yelled. His voice was cracked, pained and raspy. Niall just stared at him, regretfully.

"If he gets out alive, and somehow forgives you, THINK before you ACT next time, I beg you." Liam said, staying suprisingly calm. Zayn just said: "If he stays alive, good luck."

Louis nodded. He silently returned to their flat, while the others boys went home. Nothing was fine any longer.

Sleep wasn't an option, not having a certain boy in his arms.

Eating wasn't an option, not having a certain boy to cook.

Living wasn't an option, not having a certain boy by his side.

But, in case said boy wakes up, then Louis will have to be there. So, he'll stay strong..or at least try to. No promises though.

CHEST FUCKING PAIN. Guys I need to stop writing depressing shit, honestly. Ooh and you know that song Wolf In Sheep's Clothing? That song reminds me SO MUCH of Anti Larries. Disgusting creatures really. Check it out if you care. Well that's it, bye my teddies.
-Ashley xoxo

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