Chapter 8

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" said we needed to talk?" Liam said, sitting on Zayn's couch.

"Yeah about..the kiss.." Zayn trailed off, looking uncomortofable with the topic. He kinda liked Liam, but he never dwelled on those feelings, but now...well....

"We're still friends, right?" Liam said, ignoring his little crush at the moment.

"Depends." Zayn responded.

"On what?" Liam questioned, confused.

"Wanna be more?" Zayn looked up at Liam, with hopeful eyes. Liam was taken aback, yeah he wanted to.. "Yes." Liam responded, serious. Zayn smiled really wide and hugged Liam. Liam chuckled and hugged back.


"El, what are you doing?" Louis gulped, scared of what she might do. She smiled darkly, and then whispered into his ears words that made his eyes widen in fear.

"NO! PLEASE..NO..YOU CAN'T DO THAT..." Louis begged and pleaded.

"I can, and frankly, I will." She smiled evilly.

"Please..." Tears welled up in Louis' eyes.

"You know what you have to do, or else.." She spat like venom at the end.

Louis was shaking now, she wouldn't dare do that would she? But she seems serious...

"I...I'll" Louis whispered, disgusted by what he had to do. It was for a good cause though.

"Good boy." She chuckled and led him to the bedroom. Louis wanted to cry.

---3 hours later---

Louis walked into their flat, seeing Harry watch TV.

"Hey Haz." Louis greeted.

"Hi Lou." Curly replied.

Louis sat next to him on the couch and Harry looked over at him, then gasped.

"Lou, are you okay?" Haz asked concerned, tracing the tear stains on Louis cheeks.

"Yeah, m'fine." Lie.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Lie.

Suddenly Harry's expression turned serious.

"Lou. Is bite...on your neck?" Harry asked touching the red mark on Louis' neck.

Said boy stiffened. He couldn't tell him the truth. It was way too risky. Harry's eyes widened and he retracted his hand.

"Where did you get it?" Haz pushed, his tone oddly calm.

Louis said nothing. He was so scared. He saw out of the corner of his eye, that Harry was tearing up.

"Please talk to me." He begged. Louis wanted to scream, cry, and tell him everything but he had to bite back his urges.

"You wouldn't understand Harry." He bit out. Harry looked offended for a second, but his face showed no signs of emotion a second later. When he does that, he is either really pissed or really hurt. Or both.

"I think I do." Harry said, stood up from the couch and went into his room. He let a few tears fall while he was packing. When he got a few things, he called Niall.

"Ni..pi-pick m-me up..ple-please..." He sobbed through the phone.

"I'm on my way." Niall said seriously and jumped into his car. Louis was no better. He was crying on the couch, hating what he'd done. He didn't want to. Then he saw Harry exit his room with a duffel bag in his hand.

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