Chapter 11

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It's been a couple of days since since Harry got out of the hospital and even though he decided he'd give Louis a second chance, he was still pondering on the issue.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

That was replaying in his mind, but from what Louis said, he was forced into sex with Eleanor. So, he wouldn't do it again right? Harry was mindlessly looking through his phone, when he came across a contact name.


Who the fuck was that? Ooh right, that cute bartender he met before all the Louis stuff. Harry decided to text him.

To: Brandon

Wanna hang out? Just as friends, since I'm taken. Sorry I haven't contacted you earlier, I had some drama going on.

Yes, Harry still considered himself taken even though Louis cheated. It was unwilling anyways.

Louis was sitting in his room having a mental war should he walk over to Harry's room and ask him, or should he just wait it out. He was a curious fuck, and it has been gnawing at him whether Harry forgave him or not.

Please do. Please do. Please fucking do.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Louis yelled from his bead and Harry walked in.

"Hey Lou." He said.

"Hi Haz." Louis greeted back.

Harry sat at the edge of Louis bed.

"So, I've been thinking." He started and Louis heartbeat sped up a little.

"Yeah?" Louis whispered, wanting so badly to hear Harry's decision.

"I..I forgive you.." Harry said quietly. He felt like he shouldn't have caved in so easily, but he loved the blue eyed idiot way too much to let him go.

Louis breathed out a breathe of relief. He was filled with hapiness from hearing those words.

"And I am willing to give you a second chance. Don't mess it up." Harry said seriously, meaning every word. Before he had time to even blink, he felt a body and arms wrap around him in a tight embrace. He heard sobs as well.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you.." Louis kept whispering, clutching onto Harry while tears rolled down his cheeks. Harry wrapped his arms around Lou and he felt the older lad relax a little.

"No need to cry geez. Hey, I have to go now, I promised I'd hang out with a friend but when I come back we can watch a movie or something, yeah?" Harry asked, managing to pull Louis off of him.

"Yeah." Louis said, content and so damn cheery that Harry forgave him. Harry smiled and left to meet up with Brandon. Louis quickly grabbed his phone and started texting.

To: Niall


To: Liam

Harry forgave me I'm so happy man!

To: Zayn

I have been forgiven and offered a second chance.

Louis chuckled to himself at how random his texts were. He decided to eat something and wait for Harry to get back.


Harry met up with Brandon at his place and it was nice. He loved making friends and he made one. Brandon was cool with the whole 'just friends' thing and Harry was grateful.

My Other Half (Larry/Ziam) ✔Where stories live. Discover now