Chapter 4

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So they went to Walmart and Louis was right, Niall was there, except he was still drunk, stumbling, slurring words, cursing and on the verge of being thrown out.

Live while we're young, eh?

As he was about to pass out, Zayn caught him and Louis and Harry snickered. What? Zayn was carrying Niall bridall-style and it was funny. Zayn glared at them, and just ushered them out of the store before security comes.

"Liam actually cried." Zayn then said.

"Daddy Direction? Cried?" Harry said, shocked. Liam was always composed.

"Because he thought Niall got into trouble and that we'll never see him again, he didn't really remember drunk Niall's habits." Zayn explained. "Then again, neither did we." He added.

"I did!" Louis protested like a child.

"Told you you are the biggest child ever." Harry smirked, recalling the party.

"Harry. I can do much more than nudge you in the ribs." Louis warned.

"Like?" Harry challenged.

"Like snog you." Zayn said as if it was nothing. Everyone else pretty much knew about their love. They guessed Harry felt the same, because come on, Harry can't lie for shit so it's pretty easy to figure out, but of course, they have to let them get together themselves.

Louis blushed furiously and so did Harry, it's not like each boy didn't think about it but Zayn didn't have to bring it up and then act all cool.

"Zayn." They said at the same time.

"You have 5 seconds to run." They blurted. Zayn took off yelling: "MAKE SURE THE PLACE IS PRIVATE WHEN YOU GUYS ACTUALLY DO IT!"

"OH MY GOD ZAYN I WILL KILL YOU!" Louis yelled and started chasing him. Harry just kept walking, still blushing like a mad man, when a girl approached him: "Hi..can I have..a picture?" He smiled: "Of course, love." Harry said, the girl took a picture and left, but before she did, she said: "Bloody confess already, he feels the same." Harry's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. How did she...Well, I guess he's gonna have to get better at hiding it.

He finally got to Liam's house, still baffled by what that girl told him. Zayn and Louis were already there along with Niall and Liam. When he entered everyone were like: "Did you see a ghost?" Harry didn't realize he still had that look of pure shock and suprise on his face. "No, I just met a fan and she told me something. Wait, Zayn is alive?" Harry joked, trying to reel the topic about the whole fan thing as far away as he could.

"Yes." Zayn said.

"Couldn't catch the bastard." Louis whispered and Zayn snickered.

"Well, with you being small and all..." Harry teased.

"I AM NOT SMALL! I'M 5 FT 9!" He yelled, he was always butthurt about his height.

"If that's tall then I'm a giant." Harry joked.

"Shut up." Louis mumbled and then he noticed the smirks Zayn and Liam seemed to have. "What?" He knew, but Harry was standing right there. Zayn then looked at Harry and Harry then realized that they know. Fuck. He was that easy to read after all. Harry silently begged Zayn and Liam to keep quiet, since he knows nothing about Louis' feelings and his heart isn't ready to lose a friend. Zayn's eyes widened when he got actual confirmation from Harry and Liam whispered something to Zayn.

Louis and Harry were looking at each other, both being 'What the fuck?' at their friends behaviour.

"Now," Zayn spoke up "me and Liam and Niall will leave, so you two can get shit straight between ya. I'm looking at you Harry." Zayn said. "Me? What did I--" Zayn glanced to Louis and Harry understood but finished his sentence nontheless. "do?"

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