Chapter 16

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Today, the boys had an interview and Harry decided to join. They just got to the studio and soon the interviewer was announcing them and they walked on stage. Everyone cheered as they saw Harry was there too.

"Hello boys, Harry I see you're better." She said and smiled.

"Yeah, what can I say? I guess the fame just draws me in." He laughed. So did the boys.

"What hapenned?" The interviewer asked, directing her attention at Harry.

"I was in a car accident." Harry knew the fabricated lie of course, and they just stuck with it.

"Awful. Well we sure are glad you're feeling better." She said, and kept asking questions, but Harry was discreetly glancing at Louis, who was doing the same back, and at one point their eyes met, and they barely withheld their laughter. Noone noticed too which was good. Or so they thought.

When the interview was done, and they were out of the cameras Niall looked at Harry and Louis and asked them:

"Alright...what's up with you too?  You were trying not to laugh the entire interview."

Harry and Louis blushed and looked at each other and both of them fucking giggled at the same time.

"Well?" Niall prodded impatiently.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Harry teased.

"Tell. Me." Niall threatened.

They weren't just gonna say they were secretly checking each other out and their eyes met so they had to hold in their laughters.

"Nope." Louis said, popping the 'p'. Niall rolled his eyes and left them alone. They looked at each yet again and yet again they giggled.

They were both hormonal teenage girls, that's for sure.

"Hey lovebirds! Get your asses over here!" Zayn yelled at them. Harry and Louis sped up their pace to get to Zayn since they were a little behind.

"Yes?" Harry raised his eyebrows at his bandmate.

"We have another concert in 3 days, and we're singing these songs." Zayn pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to Harry. Louis was looking at it from where he was next to Harry. Among those songs was 'They Don't Know About Us'. Harry and Louis looked at each other and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Zayn asked and looked at where the idiots were looking, and cracked up himself.

"Well yeah, I guess that's true. No snogging on stage though, me and Liam will keep our hands to ourselves too." Zayn warned in a serious tone.

"Yes, of course." Louis answered, obviously they're gonna have to act like friends. The managment can't find anything out or they're gonna split them up.

---3 days later---

They were in backstage, getting styled and the concert was starting in 20 mins.

"Okay you're all done. You have 20 minutes so prepare yourselves." Lou, their stylist said and left. Harry was reading the lyric to the songs and eating a banana. Louis looked over and saw Harry bite the tip of the banana and choked on his own spit.

"Mate are you okay?" Zayn asked and followed his line of sight, immediately laughing when he saw what Louis was looking at.

"Gosh Louis...Harry!" Zayn yelled.

"Yeah?" Harry looked over to Zayn.

"Stop eating that banana, you're giving your boyfriend a boner!" Zayn yelled smiling. Harry then looked at Louis, then the banana and finally at the bulge in Louis pants. He started laughing.

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