In my silence << ( prima parte )

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Marco Patrick

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Marco Patrick

"Come here, baby, do not be afraid, I will not do anything to you."  

"Are you okay, foreign soldier? You got a bad face!" 

"No, to be honest, I'm dehydrated, I'm very thirsty, I need water, and how do you know English?"

 "I've learned in the field. Do you want to drink? Hold it, this is my bottle."

"Thank you very much, little ... you are kind! I finished my water supply, I no longer knew how to go back to my friends. It's very hot, I'm not used to it!"

" What's your name? "

"Marco Patrick, you?""Missy, pleasure ... um, can I call Pat Pat? Ihihihi, it's simpler!"

"Okay, Pat Pat will do fine, but this water was also for your family, Missy?"

"They will survive, you need them most, you and your friends give us food, water and clothes when you can teach us so much new things, how to read and write, and to care for us. Your doctors are good, they give us lacquer too .. .are good! "

Ogni mio respiro dedicato a Te - Spin Off - Trilogy of forgivenessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora