Chapter 1: Mail From Mani

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A young fellow sat on the edge of a cliff watching over the Outback under a navy-blue sky. He laid on his back, hands behind his head and watched the sea of stars singing in a clear spring night. By the look on his face, he admired the beauty. Down below, the sound of people laughing and singing didn't make this a quiet night for the boy. The voice of a large man called out for the boy. With a thick Russian accent, the man was able to speak proper English.

"Jack! Come down lad. Bunny barbecued more steaks" said North, the Guardian of Wonders. He preferred to be called North than Santa or Mr. Claus.

Jack jumped off the cliff and flew down to a make-shift patio of wood and metal. It was connected to a carved out home made of rocks. According to Jack, Bunnymund lived in a cave. But not to Bunny, the cave shaped home led to an underground sanctuary of tunnels in which he used for traveling around the world.

On the patio, was recycled furnitures and an old Texas barbecue grill. North was relaxing on a bench that was hand-craved by the natives. On the bench were carved images of the Guardians. Tooth, the Tooth fairy, of course, was having a friendly conversation with Sandy about the time when she pulled out a saber-tooth tiger's loose tooth. Bunny was happily whistling an Australian folk song. The small party just made Jack smile.

"Ah Jack! Grab yourself another plate. I have more of my Jumpin' Wallaby Beans!" Bunny points to a heating pot of brown beans jumping in weird looking chilly sauce.

Jack didn't found the pot of beans delicious. "Nah I think I'll have more of those Plombir ice cream that North brought." Jack rushed over to a large red colder, lifted the lid, and pulled out two small waffle ice cream cones. He tossed one to his buddy, North. North caught it ninja-style and happily began eating it.

Everyone enjoyed each others company. Jack never felt so relaxed in his life. You might think Jack only works whenever winter comes, true, but nowadays he's on the clock making sure the weather patterns on Earth is on point throughout the year. Especially, with the strange climate changes, him and other Guardians had to dealt with keeping the climates around the world normal as possible.

When Jack was about to take a bite from his waffle cone, a roaring sounded echoed throughout the Outback.

"Crocky! Look at that" shouted Bunny as he pointed to a smoky trail in the sky. At the end of the trail was a burning large rock diving straight to Earth.

"Gosh is that a shooting star?" asked Tooth excitingly. Everyone looked at Tooth as if she is nuts. Tooth became red. But, everyone just laughed and smiled at her cuteness.

"No that's just a meteorite." North corrected her. Everyone took a moment to admire the mysterious beauty behind this astronomical phenomenon.

Just as the meteorite hit the Earth, Jack screamed out, "Body Slam!" out of nowhere. A giant flash of light illuminated the night sky. Everyone shielded their eyes from the light. After the quick light show, the night sky became silent again and the Guardians just heard the bands of crickets and desert toads singing under the moon.

"Body slam? Really mate. You need to lay off the sweets or Tooth is going pull out your choppers later" Bunny advised Jack. Jack shrugged his shoulders and continued on eating his ice cream. Tooth gave them a friendly wink.

"C'mon let's go check it out" Jack went over to grab his staff that was leaning against a wooden railing and took off flying towards where the meteorite crashed.

When North and the others started running after Jack, Bunny suggested they should use the tunnels. They said no to the idea because they wanted to race under the stars. Who doesn't? So Sandy casted a golden cloud and jumped onto it. He rode it like he was Goku on a flying nimbus. Tooth opened her wings and ran after Sandy. As for North, he didn't brought his sled and reindeer during his weekend trip to Australia, instead he brought his new invention, a magical hover-board.

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