Chapter 15: Echoing Mistakes

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Three Years Later

A young woman in her early twenties was browsing through her sketchbook of architectural designs and self portraits. She stopped at a page of an elaborate design of an ice palace on top of mountain. The woman traced the design gracefully with her finger.

"It's been years since I last visited you." The woman longingly stared at the drawing. She continued on browsing through the pages, until she stopped at a self-portrait of a teenage boy with white hair and a smile grinning straight at her. Tears formed at the corner of eyes, but, she hold them back. "Elsa?" Elsa quickly closed her sketchbook. Another woman walked into the intern lounge of a fancy architecture and engineering firm. She stood by the small desk that Elsa was using. "Why are you still here? Don't you have a lunch date with your sister?"

"It's eleven already?" Elsa sat back on her chair and looked at her co-worker, Jenny, who was smiling down at her. "More like passed noon." Jenny showed her the time on her smartphone. Elsa jumped out of her chair and reached for a messenger bag underneath her desk. She put her sketchbook inside, rushed out of the lounge and swam through the river of interns, staffs, and workers in a busy hallway. "Have fun! See you next week." Jenny shouted happily.

It was glorious summer day in New York City. The streets were busy and noisy as ever. Elsa ran out of the firm with her hand shielding her eyes from the sun's rays. She reached into her bag for her sunglasses. After putting them on, she dialed Anna's number.

"Hey so sorry I'm late. I'm on my way." She told her through the phone. "Hey it's alright! I'm not at the restaurant yet. I'll be there in thirty minutes." said Anna. "Okay little sis. See you then," Elsa hung up and headed to the nearest subway station. She followed the people heading down the staircase of a subway somewhere in midtown Manhattan. The sisters had a lunch date in a family restaurant in Soho, not far from Little Italy and Chinatown.

Elsa walked down a busy street that was filled with small businesses and mom and pop restaurants. She scanned for Anna in the river of tourist and residents while waiting for her in front of a small Scandinavian cafe and restaurant. "Elsa! Yoo-hoo." A cheery strawberry blonde girl came running toward Elsa with shopping bags in both of her arms. She happily hugged Elsa. "Hey, how's your day going?"

"Busy as always." Elsa smiled at her. "I see you're itching to get some summer shopping done."

"And I see you're looking quite sexy in those business clothes." Anna winked at Elsa. Elsa blushed. "Oh c'mon on, smile. You're an intern working in New York's finest architecture and engineering firm. Be happy!" Anna lifted her arms in the air, causing her bags to bounce up. "I am Anna. I am." Elsa fixed her outfit. It wasn't that much. A simply gray blazer with a matching skirt. She wore a teal blouse underneath. Her platinum blonde hair was tied into a bun, but, some of her hair playfully sticked out. "C'mon lets go inside and eat." Said Elsa.

"Oh hold on. I need to give this bag to my friend." Anna removed one of the shopping bags from her arm. "What friend?" Elsa questioned her sister.

"Anna. Yoo-hoo! Darling." In the distance, a slim and tall man came running after the sisters. He wore bright summer colored skinny jeans that stopped at his ankles. A pair of Toms snuggled his feet and a graphic t-shirt that he wore matched his style of hat. He was carrying shopping bags too. "Girl you couldn't wait for me. I see how it is." The man placed one hand on his hips. "Elsa. Alejandro. Alejandro. My sister." Anna introduced them both. Both of them shook each others' hands and said hello. "Great you two know each other!" Anna squealed. Alejandro and Elsa laughed.

"Anna told me a lot about you. Being a talented artist. A wonderful sister. And you're crazy adventures." Alejandro winked at Elsa. "What else did Anna tell you?" Elsa asked at him.

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