Chapter 18: Fight For You

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The storm was still getting worst by the minute. New York City was completely covered in gray snow and hurricane force winds could blind anyone who is stubborn enough to travel during a blizzard. Layers of frost, blanketed the windows of homes and vehicles. Sheets of ice decorated around street lamp poles. Frozen tree trunks and branches matched the scenery. The leaves on the trees with crystallized. Pitch’s made his empire into a frozen wasteland.

Everyone gathered outside on the rooftop as they prepared for their departure. Bunny and North worked on unlocking the shed. Jack gazed over the neighborhood with a heartbroken face. But, Anna and Kristoff stood beside him, placing their hands on his shoulders. Jack turned his head and saw his friends smiling at him. “I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“Why are you apologizing?” Anna questioned him. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” Kristoff added. “You guys aren’t mad over the mess I made?” Jack pointing at the untamed storm. The roaring winds continued on howling throughout the day. “We were never mad at you Jack.” Anna had to hugged herself in order to keep herself warm. She used her cape as a cloak.

“Yeah we were just worried about you. And wondering why you left us.” Kristoff confessed. The two looked at Jack with concerned looks. Jack simply softens his eyes. “I just needed some time to think about some stuff.” He confessed.

“Thank you for being honest with us.” Anna smiled at him, while patting Jack on the shoulder. “You sure about that?” Jack asked her. “Isn’t being honest an important thing for a good friendship?” Kristoff questioned Anna. His girlfriend nodded her head, yes. Jack bite his lips while a thought came back to haunt him. A friend of his, three years ago, was completely heartbroken over the fact that he had lied to her about his past.

Jack cleared his throat. “Hey guys, I want to tell you something-” Just as Jack was about to finish his sentence, Bunny shouted in relief. “Phew! Finally.” Bunny and North, finally, unlocked the doors to open up the shed.

North rushed into the shed. He reached for a box that was placed on top of a shelf. The man opened the box and took out the item inside. He met up with the others and placed the item in the center. Everyone huddled around it with great curiosity.

“A toy sled?” Hiccup wasn’t impressed. Toothless chuckled a bit at how ridiculous the toy looked. Hiccup elbowed him to shut up. North wasn’t offended. He reached into his coat’s pocket and revealed a small brown sack. The strings that closed the sack was loosen by being pulled by North’s large fingers. His finger dug inside the bag and sprinkled magical dust onto the toy sled.

Suddenly the sled quickly grew back to it’s original size. A size that could fit a team of humans and Guardians. “How can you pull a sled without reindeers?” Kristoff blabbered out. Anna elbowed him in the side. “Don’t Santa stupid questions. He’s a Guardian. They’re all Guardians.” She pointed at Jack and the big Four. “They’re equipped with the craziest gadgets to protect the world.” Anna explained.

“And how do you know that?” Hiccup fixed his saddle to fit perfectly on Toothless back. “My sister and I read a lot of books about them,” Anna looked over and spotted Jack helping the Guardians warm up the sled. “You make it sound like they’re superheroes.” Hiccup commented.

“They are!” Kristoff walked over and headed Anna some gear. “They reminded me of the mythical version of the Avengers.” He showed off his teeth with a happy smile. “I like that!” Anna squealed.

“Yeah! Rise of the Guardians,” Olaf interrupted the three’s conversations. He had a fist in air while cheering for the Guardians. The Guardians stopped for a moment to look at Olaf’s strange cheerleading routine. They enjoyed the little snowman’s sense of humor and happiness.

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