Chapter 13: Time Bomb

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The city looked like a mosaic of bright of mixture of black, blue, red, and gray lights. Jack's eyes glittered like diamonds. "Oh man I can't breathe!" He flew high above the city, passed a farm of flat clouds, and stopped when he saw the city nothing but a flat island and the surrounding boroughs. But, his mind was filled with fireworks.

"Elsa." He whispered. Jack took a deep breathe and hollered at the night sky. "Elsa!"

Jack noticed Mani glowing brightly a billion miles away. He simply smiled at him. "Oh man, Mani! If it wasn't for you. I wouldn't be having this crazy feeling inside. It's weird. But I like it!" He spread his arms wide and fell backwards in mid-air.

The boy waved good bye to Mani and descended to the rooftops of the buildings. Jack swooped down alleyways and regain flight by ascending to the sky again. He flew like a happy little jet plane across the city.

Jack rested on an empty rooftop of a warehouse. Jack walked around for a bit to regain his thoughts and emotions. But, the sound of metal pipe being kicked across the floor, caught Jack's attention. He quickly turn around and spotted four dark shadows crawling toward him. Behind a shack, another dark figure met up with the shadows.

As the shadows came closer into the light, the shadows transformed into Fearlings. They looked like humans with dark-gray skin, full of flesh and lively. Similar to the two goons Jack and Elsa fought the other day. This time, they were armed with crazy dark weapons. The glowing stream of red lights illuminated their swords, spears, and battles axes. Each Fearlings had deadly beating red eyes beaming straight at Jack. Their heavy growling and breathing caused Jack to watch out his back.

The dark figure walked past the Fearlings and his face appeared underneath the moonlight. "Hello Jack." Said a tall strong man with his hands behind his back. A double edge sword with a glowing red blade was attached to the man's belt. Black magic fed onto the sword. "Hans?" Jack stood there in confusion. "Dude what's going on?"

"Oh nothing. I just have a job to get done." Hans drew out his sword. "I'm a really nice guy. If you like to make this easy and less messy, why not come with me?

Jack took a step back. He took a moment to touch his head. His beanie. He doesn't have his cap. "Damn. North wasn't kidding." He said to himself. Hans took a step forward with his sword in one hand, ready to strike at any second.

"So what will it be Jack Frost?" Hans asked him.

"Jack Frost?" Jack quirked an eyebrow. "Wrong person dude. It's actually, Jack London. Or John Wulf London according to my driver's license." Jack reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

"Don't play games with me Frost. My boss and I know who you are." Hans confessed.

"Look you have the wrong Jack." Jack turned his back at Hans as he started to walk away.

"I said no games Frost!" Hans was getting impatient. He released dark magic out of his sword, A wave boomeranged straight at Jack. He saw the attack coming straight at him from the corner of his eye. He simply stepped away from the hit. The attack nearly hit him from a few inches, but, disolved when colliding into a wall. Jack narrowed his eyes and glared at Hans.

"Now who's playing game. Look I'm a nice guy too. I'll let y'all bounce before things gets crazy." Jack said in a serious tone.

"I like crazy." Hans had a sinister smile on his face. "He ordered the hard way boys. Get'em!" Hans slashed the air with his sword and pointed the Fearlings to attack.

They charged straight after Jack with their weapons wailing in the air. Two Fearling swung their sword and battle axe at him. Jack had the advantage and flew away. He waved his hands and cast large icicles to hurled straight at them. Two direct hit struck two Fearlings in the chest. They dissolved into black sand.

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