Chapter 8: Tracked

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It was a stormy Saturday morning in the city. Jack was told to go help Bunny and Sandy's delivery orders. Deep inside Jack knew North just wanted him to stay away from trouble. As if staying away from trouble was least of Jack's problem, he had to wear some new clothes because it was laundry day at the Guardians' place. Tooth and North had a dump load of laundry piling up in the basement to wash.

Not Jack's usually, dress wear. He found a pair of beige khaki pants, a plain white thin sweater, and a navy blue shirt with graffiti art on it. But, he still wore the beanie North gave him. Jack had a flashback from this first week leaving in the city.

"Remember, wear this whenever you go out. It will protect you" smiled North heading Jack a handed knitted cap. Inside the hat, a stitched snowflake with Jack's intitals on it, J.F. Jack Frost.

Jack was on break after delivering several orders around the neighborhood. He sat on a stool inside the bakery while browsing through his Facebook. The bakery was dead, but, Bunny and Sandy had orders to make. It ranged from wedding cakes, crazy Sweet 16 pastries and other baked goods. A smile was all over his face while looking through the tagged photos of him and his new friends. There was several photos of him with Kristoff posing like bodybuilders on top of a rocky hill in Central Park. One photo of him messing with Anna's hair. But, the ones he enjoyed the most was with Elsa.

Who knew Anna had the talent in photography. She took shots on her phone where Jack and Elsa walked side by side on a trail at the park where it was covered in leaves and autumn trees arched over them. A funny one was when she smooched Jack and Elsa together while Anna stood between them. Lastly, two priceless photos that Jack will never forget. One photo of him actually returning that blue gove he found one morning. Elsa was talking about it while the gang was at the park. Eventually, Jack remembered that he still had it. The other photo was Elsa giving Jack a big hug, thanking him. It shocked everybody, especially Jack, he was red as a tomato. Of course, Anna had to capture it.

"Hm, looks like she grew fond of you mate" Bunny stood behind Jack as he took a moment to look at the photos on his phone. Jack's eyes widen and his face turned completely red. "Heh look at ya, you're red as a baboon's ass" Bunny chuckled.

Jack put away his phone. "What's up Bunny? You guys have anything for me deliver?" He said while feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah. Theses" Sandy came out of the kitchen with a stack of boxes. His tiny body had the ability to hold heavy boxes. But, his height caused him to stumble around. Good thing Bunny and Jack helped him out. "Thank you. Now Jack most of these orders are uptown. So you need this." Sandy handed Jack the keys to the bakery's Nissan Titan.

"Seriously? You're letting him drive the truck?" Bunny wasn't too happy at Sandy's decision.

Jack's face was glowing with joy. "Sandy you're awesome!" He grabbed the keys to the truck, the orders, a clipboard with delivery receipts, and an iPad with order information. Then headed out to back of the building.

"Jeez, Sandy why?" asked Bunny. He sat down on Jack's stool, pouting.

"Quit acting like a little -" A truck honking blocked what Sandy was about to say. But Bunny knew what he meant. "C'mon let the little dude have fun. Now lets go make that six layer cake for the Johnson's wedding." Sandy happily danced into the kitchen. Bunny followed him like a brainless zombie pouting.

At the side of bakery was a wide alleyway where the local dump trucks come and pick up trash. There parked a large four door black pickup truck. Jack unlocked the truck and hopped inside. He placed the orders at the back seats. The truck was kinda messy, especially at the front. From soda bottles to burger wrappers scattered onto the floor. On the dashboard slept a black Yankee baseball cap and a blue folded bandana underneath it.

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