Chapter 16: Get Me Back Home

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Tiny shoes ran down the corridor of a small convenience store in the city of Fujiyoshida. The shoes stopped at a metal door that was in the back. A pair of small curious hands opened the door with all it's might until the outside light peaked through the dark room. Inside was a young man napping peacefully on top of boxes that contained ice cream bars to frozen TV dinners. The young man was busy talking in his sleep. But, a ten years old boy walked up to the man and poked him to wake up.

"Izo. Psst. Izo! Psst." said the little boy speaking in Japanese. "C'mon wake up." He begged. "Please?" Izo grumbled in Japanese. "Kenta. I'm on break." Izo used his hand to fan away Kenta as he turned his back on him. While making himself comfortable on his makeshift bed.

"But, Izo you promised to play with me whenever you're on break." Kenta said in a drama queen-ish tone. "Plus we have customers wanting help in the front." He mentioned. "What?" Izo rolled over his back and fell onto the cold floor. While picking himself up, a jolt of pain climbed straight up from his chest to his head. Sending a mild painful sensation of having a slight heart attack and a sharp headache.

Kenta saw Izo in pain. "Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone. Izo grit his teeth. He touched his chest while getting up. "Yeah. Nothing to worry about."

Izo ruffled Kenta's black hair and walked out of the dark cold room. Kenta followed him. "Hey kiddo, closed the freezer will ya." Kenta obeyed him. The kid closed the store's only freezer. Kenta caught up with Izo, walking by his side. He looked up at Izo with his curious and energetic eyes. "Whatcha dreamt about?" Kenta asked curiously.

The two took a small turn down a hallway that led to the front of the store. Izo rubbed the back of his neck. "Nothing really. I was somewhere in grand ballroom that looked like a winter wonderland. And saw two little girls, I think they were sisters, playing the snow." Kenta quirked an eyebrow. "Hey I'm not a pedo bear," said Jack.

"What else happened?" Kenta curiously asked. Izo went on explaining how he saw them enjoying each other's company. Then some thing took a turn to the worst. The little sister was jumping over snow peaks. The older sister cast other snow peaks while catching her sister. But the little sister was quickly jumping off the peaks while her older sister tried to keep up.

"Wait! This girl had ice powers?" Kenta interrupted. Izo was annoyed. "Okay okay what else?" Kenta asked. Izo continued on saying how the older sister suddenly slipped and lost control of her powers. She accidentally struck her sister in the head. The little sister tumbled down a snowbank and landed, unconsciously. The older sister ran after her and took her into her arms.

"I ran to help them. But I realized I was ghost. I hated watching them helplessly." Izo softened his eyes, sadness decorated his face. "Hey it was just a dream." Kenta smiled at him. "Yeah I guess." Izo shrugged his shoulder.

"But hey, why do you always hang out in the freezer?" Kenta asked Izo. "The cold doesn't really bother me." Izo simply told him. "Oh! I thought you wanted to escape from the heat." Kenta replied. "Nah, the freezer is just a nice place to think sometimes. Escape from the world for a bit." Izo went on explaining. "Is that how you got your white hair?" Kenta giggled while asking. "Whatever you say little man." Jack chuckled.

Apparently, Izo is actually, Jack Frost. Jack hardly remembered the night of falling from the sky and crash landing onto a cliff that was nearby Mount Fuji. He can't remembered his previous life. From being a Guardian to anything else, was completely gone since being away from home, for three long years.

Just the boy's dreams kept his mind wandering to find his true identity. In the back of his mind, the repetitive dreams of mythical and magical creatures tried to help him connect back to his memories. But, the dreams hardly last. He sometimes had dreams about an angelic young woman that kept on calling him by his real name. But, Jack doesn't concluded that it's his actual name. He assumed it was someone else.

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