Writer's Notes

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To start off, I wish to give you guys a great big warm hug! Thank you for incredible support! I never knew this fanfic would get some big hype. Honest. But, I'm still shocked that it gained some views and supports. Can't believed I gained some followers and learned from helpful reviews. This was a great experience as a storyteller. Since I was small, I never enjoyed writing or reading. Thanks to family and friends, they encouraged me to go beyond from sense of imagination and creativity. Now what else to say?

Oh right future projects. Well so far I've generated two future fanfics. I've grown fond into writing crossover fanfics, so basically these two will be. Yeah they will be more along the line as: Rise of the Guardians, Frozen, How To Train A Dragon, Brave, and Tangled. So here's the two projects. They go by order of when they're released.

"Shadows & Regrets"

Summary: Karma can screw up someone's life. After surviving an illness and an accident that erased some parts of his past memories, since then, Jack believed in second chances. When a little girl from his past asked him for help, Jack had the choice to choose kindness over pride. Even though, he had his personal problems to fix up, can a man with a troubled life give his time to fulfill an old friend's dying wish?

- It's a new modern day AU. Jesla, of course! A it's a bigger crossover, because I'll be adding other Disney and Dreamworks characters. This fanfic will come out around or later on next month. So stay tune! Also, heads up, this fanfic will have a lot of drama. It will be a romantic and hurt/comfort one. I like to try out different genres.

"Young Bloods"

Summary: Five years has gone by since the battle in New York. Jack was contemplating if he made the right choice. Now a half-mortal, he still possessed his powers and Guardianship. But, why does he feel incomplete? While dealing his new life, Jack soon realized that knowing the behind his truth past was his answer to finding where he truly belongs. After a recent robbery at Mani's kingdom, Jack was assigned to retrieve a stolen sacred artifact that held the history of Guardianship and information of past Guardians. With the help of his family and friend, Jack has to bring back the artifact safe and sound. Along the way, Jack will find out about his parents' past. But the adventures isn't a walk in the park, A new enemy who wanted revenge would be hunting down Jack and his friends. Once again, Jack will go on a journey of heartbreaks and new discoveries. But, good thing he's not alone. Will Jack find his true place in the world?

- This is a sequel to "Love Alone Is Worth The Fight"

- It's still a work in progress, but I managed to start listing some notes about the plotline and chapters.

- The sequel won't come out until the end of this year, so maybe, before the holidays.

Once again, I want to thank you guys for the great amount of support. Without you guys, I won't had finished this fanfic. Right now, I want to hug you guys. I want to thank each and every one of you guys. Well it's my time to sign off. I'll be back to writing more stories later on. Right now I have video to edit.

If you wanna talk to me, ask me questions about future works, or whatever, here's a list of my social networks:

YouTube: Avohkadoz

Tumblr: Avohkadoz OR TheSketchBot (Art tumblr)

Twitter: Avohkadoz

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