Chapter 3: John Wulf London

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The autumn sun shined through Jack's bedroom. Jack was a sound a sleep. But, a forceful knock on his door made him jump off his bed. North came inside and found Jack sitting on a floor looking confused and tired out.

"Morning" said the jolly old man. "Morning? What time is it?" Jack asked him while rubbing his eyes.

"Eight o'clock on a beautiful autumn Saturday" North said happily.

"Eight o'clock? Saturday?!" Jack shouted in shock.

"Yes lad. Quit acting like a parrot and get ready. I need to take you somewhere." commanded North. He tossed Jack a towel, some soap, and a pair of fresh new clothes. "Also I need you to wear these" North slide a box towards Jack.

Jack opened the box and pulled out a pair of black and blue Vans sneakers. "Are you serious? North, have you notice?" Jack extended one of his foot toward North, indicating that he hardly wears shoes.

"Mani's orders" without saying anything else, North left the room and closed Jack's door shut.

Jack looked at the pair of shoes for a moment to take in the changes he had to go through. "How long is this temporary lifestyle gonna last? Maybe not a couple of days, maybe a year or two." He asked himself. As long he has his own fun time, he doesn't mind the new life. He took a deep breath, picked himself up and started his day.

The rest of Guardian were starting off their day with some breakfast at their new cramped-in kitchen. Sandy and Tooth ended up sitting on the kitchen counter, while North and Bunny sat on the only two chaired table, the kitchen had to offer. North and Bunny were swapping pages of the New York Times.

Jack came into the kitchen with his new outfit, including the shoes North gave him. "Morning" said Jack in a not so jolly mood.

"Morning sweety" said Tooth in a motherly way. Jack was quite surprised at Tooth's tone. But to be nice, he showed off his signature cool dude grin.

"So many changes are already happening, jeez" whispered Jack. He walked over the table where North and Bunny sat and helped himself to a couple of donuts. At the same time, he poured himself some orange juice. Even though, he had no chair, Jack decided to float in the air while eating.

"Eat up lad, I need to take you to school" said North, while browsing through the business section of the Times.

Jack spit out some of his donut. Some of the pieces slammed into Bunny's face. Bunny became annoyed. "School? Are you crazy. It's Saturday, and plus I think it's too late for me to enter school" explained Jack.

"Now it won't be so bad to be a senior in High School. You might have some fun there." encouraged North.

"Plus Mani ordered you too" added Bunny.

"What Mani said that?" questioned Jack. Bunny handed him the scroll with the listed instructions for the Guardians. Jack scanned for the tasks Mani ordered him to do. He didn't believed that Mani wanted him to stay out of trouble and stay in school. "Is he crazy?"

"Now school isn't that a bad of a place" Tooth commented.

"What did Mani wanted you guys to do while we're here hiding?" Jack demanded.

The rest of Guardians didn't mind telling Jack what Mani made them to do. North was told to work at the Toy R Us in Time Square. Tooth has a small dentist clinic in Canal Street that is around Little Italy and Chinatown. As for Sandy and Bunny, they own a small bakery. Apparently Jack was not happy at Mani's order for him. But an order is an order.

"Alright Jack finish up. Time to head down to the school" North folded his newspaper and stood up from his chair. He wasn't wearing his ordinary workshop clothes, but, was wearing a simple sport coat and khakis.

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