Chapter 6: Girls Got Guts

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It's been two weeks since the Guardians moved in and Jack started high school. Things was happily going smoothly. The big five had ups and downs over the weeks, but, they seem to get the idea of how humans lives. It seems like Mani wanted them to live like this. But for how long?

North was happily managing the Toy R Us in Time Square. He even started training his employees on toy repairing and toy making. Tooth's clinic at Canal street was booming. Who knew she was able to speak both Italian and Mandarin (Chinese)? The two communities are very grateful for her service. The baker duos, Bunny and Sandy are selling hot cakes, metaphorically speaking. Their small business was going according to plan. However, the bad side of things, the two haven't had the time to catch up on sleep. So whenever Jack came home from school, he founded them knocked out on the living room couch.

As for Jack it's a whole other story. During his first week, it felt like he got hit by Bunnymund's boomerangs. A massive headache got him one friday afternoon. Then by the second week, he was knocked out on the living room couch, accompanied with Bunny and Sandy, who was covered in flour and icing with sprinkles.

Now it's another Friday for Jack and he looked like a zombie. But that changed during gym class with Walter Elias's crazy P.E. teacher of all time, Mr. Marion Wortenhohg. The kids nicknamed him Warthog. Anna took the credit of the idea. Warthog was a football coach that adored wearing large sweatpants and hoodies with top football colleges names decorating in each active wear. The man loved football!

"Alright cupcakes and meatloafs! Get up. Time for a game of football." Announced Warthog. He accidentally spit a bit and the kids in the front of was sprayed at.

"Cupcakes. Meatloafs? Someone needs their mid-morning snack," said Jack trying to stay awake. He was slouching on the wooden benches with his new friends, Anna and Kristoff. The two busted out laughing at Jack's comment. It nice that those two welcomed Jack to their lives. Jack never felt this sense of belonging. It felt quite nice for once. He looked at his new friends and their smiles and laughter was the most priceless moment to capture.

"Anna! Kristoff! Blue beanie! Get y'all butts down here," ordered Warthog.

"Blue beanie? Seriously," said Jack, feeling not so pleased at the nickname. Anna and Kristoff chuckled. The two and Jack got up and joined the rest of the class.

"Alright time for attendance" Warthog went down the list of students in his class. When it was time to call out for Jack's name, it took Warthog to call his name, "Now um, John Wulf London?

"Present" Jack didn't raised his hand. "Where?" Warthog scanned around the crowd of students.

"Here sir. Blue beanie" Anna waved at Warthog and pointed at Jack. Jack scowled at Anna. "But he likes to be called Jack." she smiled.

"Ah okay. Check" Warthog checked off Jack's name. "And Blue beanie likes to be called Jack." He made a note by Jack's name.

Warthog finished attendance and started to instruct the class that their going take it easy and enjoy a little game of football. One girl protested that girls shouldn't play football. But, Anna accepted Warthog's idea. She went on telling that girls should be and allowed to play and do whatever they want.

"Right you are Anna. Like my four year old." Warthog went all out imitating his five-year old daughter, "Oh daddy, this is the twent-tea-first cent-tree. Girls got Guts! We can do whatever we want and we can!" Warthog finished his awkward act. The class was halfway disturbed, but, Kristoff and Jack tried to contain their laughter. "Alright you future burger flippers and office zombies lets go breathe in Nature's scentless perfume. Air."

Everyone headed outside to the football field that the school was sharing with a local university down the street. Warthog divided the class into two teams. The three musketeers, Anna, Jack, and Kristoff were in the same team. Warthog let a thin girl with frizzy brown hair named Jordan to be the quarterback of the blue team.

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