Chapter 20: Two Worlds

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Everyone continued to grief over the lost of a fallen Guardian. There was confusion and anger all the around. Some questioned of what's just happened. Others are lost and worried. North tried his best to calm down Jack friends. He patted Hiccup on the shoulder. Anna won't let go of Kristoff's caring hug. Angie kneeled down by Olaf. She placed her hand over his shoulder. Marshmallow stood over them. The two snowmen, each shed a tear.

Tooth and Sandy tried to comfort Bunny. The poor Guardian couldn't believe his friend is gone. He wiped off the tears from his eyes. Bunny kneeled down on the ground, then began to punching it. The Guardian felt a sense of guilt.

"Why! Why wasn't I there for me?" Bunny was furiously pondering the ground with his bare paws. "Bunnymund!" Tooth flew by him, placing her small tender-hands on his shoulders. "Bunnymund, it's alright." Sandy held Bunny's hand, patting it softly. Bunny looked at his small yellow friend. Sandy tried to smile at him, while holding back his tears.

The dragon held his head low. He felt very melancholy over the lost of his riding partner. Even though, they just met, he felt like they had a bright future ahead of them. Elsa was still crying while talking to Jack's lifeless body.

"C'mon Jack. Please don't go," said Elsa while starting to choke over her words. "I need you…" A tear drop landed on Jack's face.

Suddenly, a burst of light poked through the sky. The stream of light was a pathway for a white orb, which was descending to the harbor. Everyone watched the orb until it stopped in front of Elsa. The heartbroken girl noticed the orb was gleaming brightly. Soon, the orb changed into swirling lights where they revealed a figure. Other magical orbs appeared too. They revealed themselves as animals with wings. It was the bald man's followers.

The figure was bald man with a single thread of white hair. He wore a sharp golden shirt, vest and slacks. Along with his outfit was a beige-color robed. He carried a long staff, which was taller than him. The staff had complex astronomical designs, but, at the tip of it was a crescent moon. Every Guardian knew who the man was. North told Anna and the others to bow their heads.

The man walked toward Elsa with his followers. One of them was Leo, the white lion who sent the Guardians of the news about the kidnappings and protocols to when Guardians are asked to hide from danger. Elsa noticed the man who was smiling down at her.

"Mr. Bright?" Elsa was shocked to see him again. "It's nice to see you again, Elsa," The man chuckled. "But please call me Mani." He stated. "Mani?" Elsa quirked an eyebrow. "My really name is actually, Tsar Lunar, but Mani is my nickname." Mani acknowledged. "That's very nice, Mani," Elsa said no more. Her mind glued at Jack and his condition. Mani saw her heartbroken face.

The big four, Anna, and her friends walked over and stood behind Mani. North cleared his throat before speaking. But, Tooth distracted him. She was shocked to finally see Mani's true form. The Guardian has been the tooth fairy for centuries and she never had the chance to see her boss.

"That's him right?" She asked North, in an excited tone. Bunny laughed. Her excitement tend to push Bunny's sadness away. "Why? Were you hoping to see him like Chris Hemsworth or Orlando Bloom?" He chuckled. "Yes," said Tooth told. "That's crazy talk, mate." Bunny said without any care. Tooth slapped Bunny in the face. Bunny was blown away, covering his face from embarrassed. He shielded himself away of what's about to happen.

"He fought a good fight," said Mani. Elsa combed Jack's gray hair. "He died as a hero," Mani added. Elsa looked at him. "But, I can't accept the fact that he's gone." She tried to hold back the tears. The crying made her tired and overwhelmed. "We can't say goodbye like this."

"Oh you don't have to," Mani smiled. Elsa was confused. "What do you mean?" She asked him. "Just give me a moment and see what happens," Mani winked at her. "Now I believe someone gave Jack something to wear at all times," said Mani. North heard him. "That's right! The hat. He must have it inside his coat." He told Mani.

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