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Gideon's POV

I stared at the sky wide-eyed as reality suddenly collapsed.

"The rift shouldn't be handed to someone as clumsy as you!" Will told me as he struggled to get it from my hands.

"No! Mr. Ford entrusted me with this, he gave it to me and I'm not just going to give it to you!" I said trying my best to not let it slip off my hands.

"He's just using you, wake up boy!"

I didn't believe him, instead of handing it to him I let it fall to the ground. I see what you mean now Will.

I feel on my knees and buried my face in my hands. "I'm such a failure." I told myself.

I readied myself to just be eaten by monsters or maybe be locked on some sort of prison for being the cause of this shenanigans.

"Gideon." A faint voice called out.

"Leave me alone." I groaned.

"No, you don't understand Gideon we have to go." I felt myself slowly being pushed by Pacifica.

"Why bother? It's over, since reality is basically messed up now there is no way back." I said finally standing up.

Pacifica glared at me, the kind of glare she only gives to those who really pisses her off.

"Listen Gideon, I am not going to listen to your useless babbling because I didn't come here for that. I came here to get you and escape this weird place. I really want to go home and I can't do that without you." Pacifica said, her voice sounding softer when she said the last part. I paused.

"Believe me if you don't give it to me now there will be no way to escape this place." Will told me.

"If that contained rift will be unleashed to this place it will be nothing but chaos." He added.

"I hate to tell you this Pacifica but there's nothing we can do. We're stuck here for good." I said really starting to lose hope and just want to get eaten alive.

"No! I don't wanna hear any of your pessimism. I know it's normal for you to be like that but for just once can't you look at the bright side of things? I beg of you, for just this time be optimistic!" Pacifica was already getting more annoyed.

"Optimistic? About what? The fact that we all might die in any second?"

"Optimistic about the fact that I'm on your side." I heard a different voice. A voice I rarely heard whenever we were gathered.

"Mabel?" I looked up and surprisingly I wasn't hallucinating that it was her.

"I shouldn't have trusted Dipper about this. I knew it would get out of hand again." Mabel said annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "And why aren't you with your family?"

"Well, one; I'm here to apologize for what my brother did. Two; I'm here to help you. And lastly; I already told you I'm on your side." Mabel answered.

"Help us how?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm assuming Will already tried to retrieve the rift from you." Mabel said as she looked around.

"Yes." I looked down feeling bad because of what I did. She's probably going to scold me now.

"I'm glad you didn't give it to him." She said surprising me and Pacifica.

"What? Why? Didn't all this happen because I broke the container?" I asked completely puzzled.

"Did you break it on purpose?" Mabel raised an eyebrow.

I paused for a moment feeling more and more guilty.

Did I do it on purpose? No, it was just an accident. Pacifica was there, and Will, and everyone was shouting and arguing and then everything happened so fast and... and...

I threw it...

I threw the rift so hard it broke the moment it fell on the floor.

I thought that after I do that they'll just stop and everything will be just fine. But I was wrong, the two may have stopped but I wasn't expecting everything else will too.

Everything stopped, then a blinding light shone. I couldn't see well for a couple of minutes even after blinking and blinking so I closed my eyes. After that I was already regretting that I opened it again 'cause what I saw was something I never wished would happen.

"I knew it." I heard Mabel say making me look down. "Good job."

Pacifica and I looked at her confused. Why? Well she just said something unexpected. We wouldn't be this surprised if she said 'good job' in a sarcastic way but she said it like she was actually complimenting me.

"We have hope for this team." She said confusing me and Pacifica.

Dipper's POV

"I told you it would work." Great Uncle Ford smiled widely as he stared at the non-blue sky. A huge rip can be seen on it which let all hell loose.

Weirdmagedon is currently happening in Gravity Falls, all according to plan. A lot of creatures that you would normally see in the nightmare realm can now be seen here.

I admired the changes that happened after the rip in the sky appeared. Everywhere you look chaos is happening. The sky that should only be blue or grey now has a mix of red, black and orange to it. Some parts of Gravity Falls seems to have defied the laws of gravity.

"All good things come for those who wait." Uncle Ford added before getting inside the house.

I just stared at his as he walked. The moment the door closed a smirk appeared on my face.

"Will." I called out. The obedient little triangular demon appeared beside me.

"Don't you have something to say?" I asked him without having to look at him.

"I was wrong..." He admitted. "I'm sorry I defied you."

"I think you forgot something again." I said finally facing him with a raised eyebrow.

He looked at me with a glare. "You don't own me anymore."

"But you do owe us big time." I pointed out.

"I never wanted any of this." He glared back at me.

"Right, since you're such a goody two shoes you would never want this to happen. You'd rather be banished in the nightmare realm, am I right?" I asked.

"Yes, that's right! So I want out of this!" He said flying away like the coward he is.

"That's unlike you." I said making him stop in his tracks. "You know even if you go to the nightmare realm all these other monsters that went out won't go back on their own will."

"Then banish me. It's one of the ways to stop all this right?" He faced me. Surprisingly he was not acting cowardly right now.

"It will be a pleasure." I grinned. "But I will do it in one condition." I added.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What condition?" He asked.

"You'll see." I said without uttering any more words.

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