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Pacifica's POV

"T-the journal?" Gideon asked Dipper surprised.

"Come on Gideon it's just for the day." I patted his back with a smile.

He stared at the journal for a huge while before giving it to Dipper hesitantly. Dipper smirked and immediately flipped the pages.

"I might need a while before I choose which to go with." Dipper said.

"B-but I—"

"Sure! Just tell us when you made a decision!" I smiled and pulled Gideon out of the mansion.

"Yeah, sure." Dipper replied waving goodbye at us without even looking up from the journal.

"Paz I really don't think this is a good idea." Gideon said looking back at the mansion as we made our way home.

"What are you talking about? It's a great idea. Dipper knows a lot about the town's mysteries and lending him that journal will give him more knowledge." I replied.

"Yeah but-"

"Gideon, Dipper has been nothing but patient with us. He's been helping us on our adventures for a long time, it's the least we can do." I told him. "Plus we're almost already halfway through summer and you read that book over and over for like a thousand times. You probably already memorized it."

"It's just that he might not give it back." He said.

"He will. Trust me." I patted his back. "You let me borrow that thing, what's the difference of letting Dipper borrow it?"

"I trust you Pacifica. But the level of how I trust you is not the same from how I trust Dipper." He scratched his nape.

"I know. I'm just that trustworthy right?" I smirked elbowing him playfully.

"Nope. It's just cause we're related." He slapped my hand away.

I laughed. "Yeah right."


"Kids! Where have you been?!" Uncle Bud called. We entered the room quickly.

"At the Northwest mansion." Gideon answered.

"You still hang out with that scumbag Dipper?" Uncle Bud mocked.

"Uh, yeah?" Me and Gideon said unison with the same tone, like we practiced it or something.

"I thought he already ditched you two. Or maybe vice versa. Either of it works." He laughed slouching on his couch with a Pitt cola in his hands.

"Yeah well we've been hanging out a lot like best buds." I poked Uncle Bud's cheeks.

"Is that supposed to be a pun?" Uncle Bud asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You got me." I grinned widely while pointing fingers at him on my way upstairs.

The time I got up me and Gideon's room I stared to update my scrapbook and added designs to my old entries.

After running out of ideas on what to put I started knitting some sweaters like what I always do on my pass time. Gideon is somewhere helping out on the shack. Uncle Bud thought it'd be a big help on "losing some weight" for Gideon.

I finished exactly 1 and a half sweater. But since it was unexpectedly hot today I just wore a sweatshirt. Then grabbed a jacket and tied it on my waist just in case if it would get cold. I intend to wear what I just knitted tomorrow.

Dipper's POV

"You're giving it back? I thought you wanted that thing so badly so why give it back?" My silly twin asked.

"Mabel dear don't be silly." I shook my head with a smirk. " If I don't give it back I lose their trust. It's all about tactics."

"I see you've done another complicated plan even though there's  a simpler solution." She rolled her eyes.

"Mabel Mabel Mabel. It's not just the journal that I want. I also need the portal which may be located at that old shack Grunkle Stan sold to Bud." I said flipping the pages of journal number 3.


"If I still have the trust of those two, I have access to the shack. I can go in and out of the shack easily." I explained.

Mabel rolled her eyes once again. "Fine fine, do what you want."


"Have you thought of where we're going yet?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes. How about we search for the gateway that lets us go to another dimension?" I offered handing the journal to Gideon.

"And where are we gonna find that?" Gideon raised an eyebrow.

"It might be around these parts." I stated looking around inside the shack.

The two trailed behind me as I scanned the room.

"What makes you so sure?" Gideon asked.

"Because that journal you are holding there was found near here." I answered as I searched for secret passageways.

After a few minutes of searching I figured this was hopeless. The shack is too big to search in one day. Plus the two might think the task I gave them is boring.

"You know what? Let's just do something more interesting than hidden trap doors to a portal." I said heading to the door.

"What are we gonna do then?" Pacifica asked.

"Let's retrieve Journal number one."

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