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Chapter 9

Katherine's pov

"Why are we in an airport?" I asked Karla still feeling a little under the weather and by that I mean bad, sad, and maybe just a little angry. "It's your surprise now shh" Karla said. We waiting for about 10 minutes till a deep male voice spoke behind me "excuse me young lady. I think you are looking the wrong way" I turned around and gasped.

"OMG CARLOS" I screamed loudly, Too loudly making people give me glares. I returned them back it's not like it's not loud in here. Carlos is my friend from Florida, He's more like a brother to me. We may of have dated but it was way too awkward we decided to brake things off. "What are you doing here?" "Your little cousin here planed all this" he said. I looked at Karla who was smirking at me. "I love you" I said hugging her this is what I needed my bestfriend to be here and help me with my complicated feelings.

We helped Carlos with his stuff and we made our way home. Carlos keeps saying how our neighborhood it's not the same anymore since I left. Carlos is 19 just like me, He's very overprotective of me. He says I'm just like the sister he never had and he's like the brother I never had. "So bitches there's a party around here wanna go?" Karla said in a gangster kind of way making me and Carlos laugh. Looking at each other we  smirked. "Hell yeah" we both said at the same time. "Turn up" Karla screamed we chuckled at her.

Me and Karla went to go get ready at her room and Carlos in mine. "Who's party is it?" "I'm not sure. Zack said his name is.. Za something like that I think" "okay cool. You ready?" I asked her. "Yes" she came out of the bathroom wearing a blue dress. I was wearing a purple one. Strapless and my long hair curled. "Let's go" we went down to find Carlos already there "you guys take long" "shut up" Karla said. We drove to the party it was about 15 minutes. The music was loud and there was a lot of people. Some getting high, drinking, or having dry sex.

"Oh. It's that kind of party" I said, Carlos and Karla chuckled at me. Don't get me wrong I like party's. I'm just not that much of a Patier if that makes sense. We went inside and it was worst than out. "Im going to be with zack" Karla screamed over the loud music. "Gonna find me some bitches" Carlos said leaving. Oh how nice, I rolled my eyes trying to find the kitchen. In the process of doing that I found someone I didn't wanna see, Justin but he wasn't alone oh no he had a blond chick on his lap and was laughing at something his friends said while the blonde chick kissed his neck multiple times.

He looked my way and his smile faded only to be replaced by a smirk. I rolled my eyes making a disgusted face and walked away trying to find the kitchen again. I don't know why but I feel someone what betrayed and mad and a tad jealous that he had a someone already kissing him when he was kissing me not long ago. Signing to my self I finally found the kitchen.

"Here" someone over my shoulder said, It was Carlos. "Thanks" I said taking the drink out of his hands. Smelling it I already knew it was alcohol. "I think you need it drinking it" he said taking a drink out of his I did the same. The burning feeling now I'm my throat. "I saw that" he said, I looked at him confused. "Saw what?" "That was justin bieber right?" He questioned, How does he know that. "Yeah. How do you-" I started but a voice cut me off "Katherine" that voice said, Of course it's justin. I looked at him making sure I'm giving him the 'get away from me' look. He didnt get the message and looked at Carlos and tensed,I felt Carlos do the same.

"Carlos" Justin said am I missing something? "Justin" Carlos said in a really cold voice it almost scared me, I jumped in "you guys know each other?" I asked them, Looking between each one of them. They both nodded their  eyes never leaving each other. Justin's smirked "hows Florida?" He said What? I'm getting more confused each minute. "What do you want Bieber?" Carlos asked Justin eyes moved to me. Carlos dropped his drink and grabbed me putting me behind him. "No" he said, Justin smirked. "Oh but yes. I still remember how last year I first saw her. Do you remember Carlos? Huh?" Saw me? Where? How? I had enough. "Okay now stop" I said getting between him and Carlos "one of you is going to explain everything and it better be now. Cuz I don't understand anything. How do you know each other?" I said now mad.

Justin's smirk faded. Carlos looked at me with worry in his eyes. The blond bitch came. "Oh justy come back. I need to show you something upstairs" she said grabbing justin she smashed her lips on his. Justin being him grabbed her by the waist and kissed back and he calls me an easy whore Please. He smirked and looked at me. Leaving he send me a quick wink. I rolled my eyes but deep inside me that hurt a lot.

I shook the feeling and turned to Carlos "explain" I said. He noodled his head and took me out the house. "After what your going to hear, I don't blame you if you don't want to talk to me anymore" he said, I nodded my head. Thinking the worst things in the world. What can my bestfriend be hiding from me? After all this years he hid something from me. I looked up at him waiting for him to tell me, The truth.


Sorry not that good.


Love yall.

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