home alone.

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Katherine's POV

waking up the next morning I woke up to screaming voices. Looking to my side I notice that Justin wasn't by my side anymore, but the scremings kept on going. You got to be kidding me.

Getting up I walked down the stair. "can you all shut up!" I screamed to the whole crew they all turned to look at me with surpiced faces. Justin started at me in surpice too. "sorry" he said his surpice face still on him. "god damnit you guys can scream" yes I am annoyed. Whouldnt you be annoyed if you woke up to screaming voice fighting about some stupid thing as to who gets the tv remote? Yeah you get my point.

"someone's on their period" josh said making his hands in a surrender way. "shut up. you all annoy her" Justin said coming to my side and giving me a small peak. "no but really why are you guys screaming?" I asked as I moved from Justin's embrace to look at the guys. "we do this every morning.." Calvin answer like if it was the most normal thing in the world. I looked at them like they had 3 heads which made them chuckle.

"anyways kath we need to talk. come" Justin said snapping me out of my stare contest with the guys. "okay" I said following him. "what's up?" I asked. "Kath.. we me and the boys have to take care of something... are you okay staying alone?" He said looking straight at my eyes. "why can't I come with you?" I whined "its to dangerous" "and staying alone its not?" I said getting a little angry. "don't worry. you can call Karla and she can come" Justin suggested.

"I haven't spoken to her" I said with my head down. Ever since I left with Justin I haven't heard anything from Karla or my aunt which are the only people that I truly miss. "she loves you and she supported our relationship since the beginning, its worth a try" Justin said hughing me and kissing my forehead. "why can't I just go with you"

"Kath let's not fight. I don't want you in danger okay? if I took you, your dad will kill me" Justin said with desperation in his voice. "he doesn't need to know" "he's my boss babe" he said hugging me tighter. Also making butterfly's form in stomach from his pet name. "But I -" I stated but got cut off but Justin's lips on mine.

"You're so stubborn" he said as he rested his forehead against mine I smiled blushing. "sorry to interrupt you love birds but we gotta leave Justin" Calvin said making me and Justin separate from each other. "I'll be there" Justin said. "remember to lock everything , call Karla. I'll be here by 3 am. don't worry babe" he said turning back to me"I'll miss you" he smiled at my comment. he slowing lean in for another kiss, conectiong our lips he asked for entrance. letting him we fought for dominance. He was the one to break the kiss. "I would love to continue but I have to go" he said giving me one last kiss.

"if anything happens call me or one of the guys. there's a phone there it has all of our contacts" he said almost out the door. "I love you" I screamed once he was outside. "I love you too" he scremead from the car. once they were gone I went through all the house and lock everything. I'm debating if I should call Karla. eh worth the shot.

"hello?" Karla answered.

"hey its Kath. please don't hang up"

"why would I do that?"

"I don't know... don't you hate me?"

"I could never hate you Kath. so what's up?"

"can you come to Justin's house.. I'll text you the address... I'm alone"

"okay I'll be there"

hanging up I took a big breath. that went well. it took Karla at least 15 minutes to get here.

"hey" I said opening the door and hugging her. I truly did miss her having her around. "come in" I said as I opened the door for her. "he has a nice house" she said looking around while I locked the door. "yeah he does. let's go up to my room" we spend the rest of the day watching movies and being all dorky. she left like at 9:00pm so I'm all alone. you know when your alone and you start to hear noises and freak out? yes that's what I'm doing right now.

"hello?" I called out to the noise coming downstairs. "Justin?" I said checking the time I saw it was 1:00am. he said he'll be back at 3. making sure I had the phone Justin gave me I started to go down the stairs. "hello?" I called once again. stopping. I saw a man standing in front of the stairs. running up I locked my self in Justin's room. panicking I called Justin. I know that man is not one of the guys or Justin especially by the creepy smile he sent me.

"pick up please pick up" the pounding in the door soon came. "please Justin", the pounding was getting harder and in no time I know that door is going to fall. Calling for the second time I started to look for something I could hit the person with. "hello?" Justin voice was heard. "Justin! Justin someone is in the house. I'm in our room locked" I said panicking. "calm down hide I'll be there babe " he said hanging up, the pounding stop for a good second. then with one last sound the door was on the floor. everything happen so fast. first I was fighting for my freedom.. then evryhing went black.

*dramatic music playing*
who do u think kidnapped her now? haha
only a few more chapters for this story
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